Joined: Dec 30, 2021, 02:27:59
Active: Mar 24, 2025, 19:03:40
271 following

πŸ”₯ Gather πŸƒ β€˜round ✨

πŸ’ƒπŸΌ Carrington
πŸͺ΄ DeSo’s Unofficial Official Plant Manager
πŸ“š Unashamed Storyteller
πŸͺΆ Writing my first novel, Stormborn
⚾️ 3rd generation Chicago Cubs Baseball fan
πŸ’ Jersey Devils NHL Hockey
πŸ“Š Data is downright HOT πŸ₯΅
πŸ’Ό Business talk is FUN to me
🐻 Planet Earth enthusiast
πŸ“œ Absolute total history N E R D (from the womb to the tomb, baby! πŸ€“)
🀑 Awful puns always
❀️ #TTDT 4Ever

🧁🦑 Honorary @marshmafia member innocently weaseling her way to the front of the desert line.

πŸ’¬ Join in on the conversation! @vampirecampfireCommntFeed powered by the fantastic @whatsmy family!

πŸ• Profile pic is courtesy of @mcmarsh πŸ€—
