👀 Thursday’s update to this wild week:

☕️ I left some gift/thank you cards on Lexus Daddy and Sharply Dressed Pizza Guy’s doorsteps in the morning. I don’t have Sharply Dressed Pizza Guy’s number, but I sent a quick text to Lexus Daddy to let him know it’s a legit envelope and not some clever junk or anything. 😆

🃏 Awhile later he sent me a quick thank you text, which was nice, and he asked about how last night went with the 🥵 unexpectedly hot police officer. I filled him in, and we chatted...

👀 Thursday’s update to this wild week:

☕️ I left some gift/thank you cards on Lexus Daddy and Sharply Dressed Pizza Guy’s doorsteps in the morning. I don’t have Sharply Dressed Pizza Guy’s number, but I sent a quick text to Lexus Daddy to let him know it’s a legit envelope and not some clever junk or anything. 😆

🃏 Awhile later he sent me a quick thank you text, which was nice, and he asked about how last night went with the 🥵 unexpectedly hot police officer. I filled him in, and we chatted a little bit. He threw around the idea of a card night for all of us sometime, which I think could be fun. Ya’ll know me, the little event planner nerd over here. I’ll make sure everyone’s got snacks and supplies, ha! 🤓

🤷‍♀️ In my note to Sharply Dressed Pizza Guy, I didn’t think to leave my number or anything. Just a quick thank you note, thinking maybe I’ll see him around sometime, but if not no biggie, shrug.

🚗 The rest of my day flies by because I’m in meetings and then I get ready to pick my brother up for his birthday concert in Chicago. Guess who was leaving the same time I was?! Lexus Daddy!

🚪 He held our door open for me which was nice. We laughed when he asked “What are the odds that after 2+ years, yesterday we meet and today we run into each other?!” Ha! Honestly I was surprised he even recognized me because that time, I actually looked publicly presentable, versus the first time he saw me, oof.

💃 Typically when I leave the house, I just put on a little mascara, nothing wild.. In a past life, I wore POUNDS of makeup every day, but I’m done with those days, bleh. But it’s still nothing short of magical, the transformation that just some contact lenses, brushed hair, a bra, and some jeans can create. ✨ Oh and I can confirm Lexus Daddy IS indeed a Lexus Daddy. 😮‍💨 I was partially expecting it to be a Ford.

🎸 My brother and I had a very fun time at our concert and you can ALWAYS tell when I’m at my happiest becase I don’t give a shit when my bangs are messy and I smile extra huge. ☺️ Otherwise, you’ll just get neat bangs and a closed mouth dimply grin from me, haha. But last night I was very content, as you can see from the one and only photo I took, ha!

🗒️ When I come home, very much to my surprise, I see a note on my door with my name on it! 😲 It was from Sharply Dressed Pizza Guy! I opened it when I got inside, and it was a very nice thank you and he offered to give me more pics to submit to insurance if I wanted them. 🤓 Um hell yes please this little data nerd wants those extra pics!

🤔 But he didn’t leave his phone number- mysterious!

😇 I suppose I could just ask Lexus Daddy for the phone number, but it’s more fun to write Sharply Dressed Pizza Guy another note back. 😂

✨ I’ll keep ya’ll posted on how things go today.

Lovely read again. Can't wait for the next day👌😊😀 and the fact that you right notes, nobody does that know,😅 it is so cool. Keep going ❤️


More photos from vampirecampfire