🤪 My week has been absolute insanity. Today was my wildest day yet, so to help settle my brain down a little and give myself a glimmer of hope that there is SOME good in this crazy ass world, I decided to check in our Notre Dame Nest. A few weeks ago I was crossing my fingers Mom would come back and bring a new boyfriend with her. 🤞🏼 By now, she should be making some last minute renovations to the nest and keeping warm with her new beau. 😘 Valentine’s Day IS tomorrow, after all.. 😏
👀 Our Notre Dame Nest may look a little empty right now, but if you take a closer look, you’ll notice that there’s been some activity! See the wing marks in the snow on the edge of the nest??
🥰 Mom is back, AND she got a new honey, ahhh!!! 😍
🤞🏼 Last year’s eggs were laid toward the end of February, and hatched at the beginning of April. I’d say we’re still a little less than two weeks away before egg watch starts, but I’ll start checking in on things more often and start keeping ya’ll posted. ☺️
💕 For the time being, I’m tagging the same VC Eagle Crew as last year, but please let me know if any of all ya’ll would like me to remove you. No hard feelings at all. On that same note, if there’s anyone new that wants to get added to the crew and receive notifications about these updates, drop a line- I got you. 🎉
😂 And of course thanks to ya’ll who read these silly updates about these eagles, aw. Love ya’ll. 💕
🤗 Hey everyone, guess what??
🤪 My week has been absolute insanity. Today was my wildest day yet, so to help settle my brain down a little and give myself a glimmer of hope that there is SOME good in this crazy ass world, I decided to check in our Notre Dame Nest. A few weeks ago I was crossing my fingers Mom would come back and bring a new boyfriend with her. 🤞🏼 By now, she should be making some last minute renovations to the nest and keeping warm with her new beau. 😘 Valentine’s Day IS tomorrow, after all.. 😏
👀 Our Notre Dame Nest may look a little empty right now, but if you take a closer look, you’ll notice that there’s been some activity! See the wing marks in the snow on the edge of the nest??
🥰 Mom is back, AND she got a new honey, ahhh!!! 😍
🤞🏼 Last year’s eggs were laid toward the end of February, and hatched at the beginning of April. I’d say we’re still a little less than two weeks away before egg watch starts, but I’ll start checking in on things more often and start keeping ya’ll posted. ☺️
💕 For the time being, I’m tagging the same VC Eagle Crew as last year, but please let me know if any of all ya’ll would like me to remove you. No hard feelings at all. On that same note, if there’s anyone new that wants to get added to the crew and receive notifications about these updates, drop a line- I got you. 🎉
😂 And of course thanks to ya’ll who read these silly updates about these eagles, aw. Love ya’ll. 💕
🎬 Stay tuned, ya’ll! Season 2 coming soon. 🤓
🦅 #vceaglecrew @bkpower8 @ryleesnet @stevonagy @kaylacarreau @mcmarsh @stargeezer @elrickerikose
Oh my goodness!! This is great news. February love “birds”!! 😁 🦅 💘
Thanks for the Eagle Chronicles 🤗