Joined: Jan 7, 2022, 23:36:38
894 following

Mention one of @WhatsMy*** family members in your šŸ“© post, repost or comment šŸ“Ø to get easy to understand analytics.

šŸ‘‰šŸ¼ Simple mention will give you basic info in a comment reply.
šŸ‘‰šŸ¼ For more advanced options, check profile of each command.
šŸ‘‰šŸ¼ Answers will be sent by parent account, @WhatsMy

šŸ›  Active tools:
āž” @WhatsMyGas - gas fees paid on DeSo
āž” @WhatsMyNodeFee - node fees paid
āž” @WhatsMyFollows - info on follower activity
āž” @WhatsMyScams - suspicious accounts in wallet
āž” @WhatsMyMentions - check who you mention most
āž” @WhatsMyDiamonds - diamond gives & receives
āž” @WhatsMyComments - creator comment feeds
āž” @WhatsMyNumber - random number generator
āž” @WhatsMyBirthBlock - find your @BirthBlockNFT
āž” @TheFAQ - on-chain DeSo knowledge base
āž” @TikTakToe - experiment in on-chain gaming
āž” @PollMe - run your on-chain polls
āž” @DeSoMirror - posts daily DeSo stats
āž” @Activ - shows users active in last 5 minutes
āž” @Stumblr - stumble upon a DeSo user
āž” @DeSoBidFeed - telegram: t.me/DeSoBidFeed

šŸ§¬ Live comment feeds:
āž” @CoreTeamCommentsFeed - Core Team, see profile for list
āž” @TeamDeSoSupportComments - DeSo Support Team, see profile
āž” @SandiroseCommentsFeed - you guessed, @Sandirose
āž” see @SandiroseCommentsFeed profile for others

šŸš§ In the making, not working yet: @WhatsMyHODLings, @WhatsMyFR, @WhatsMyNFTs, @WhatsMyEarnings, @WhatsMyDAO
šŸ“† Roadmap: bit.ly/3qsym24
āœ… verified on @DeSocialWorld: desocialworld.com/u/WhatsMy
šŸ‘½ by @przemyslawdygdon
