Joined: Apr 4, 2022, 21:59:16
Active: Dec 10, 2023, 18:01:32
38 following
43 šŸ’Žs ā‰ˆ $0.02 received

šŸ„Š The @Stumblr commands - stumble upon...:
āž” @Stumblr - any DeSo user
āž” @Stumblr follower - any of your followers
āž” @Stumblr following - any user you follow

āž• Additional options to above commands:
āž” active - required activity within last 14 days (ā„¹ šŸ‘‡)
āž” active X minutes/hours/days - required last activity (ā„¹ šŸ‘‡)
āž” posted - required posting activity - magic formula (āž— šŸ‘‡)
āž” profile <word/@mention/#hashtag> - required in profile

ā” Examples:
ā“ any DeSo user active within last 14 days:
@Stumblr active
ā“ any DeSo user with "NFT" in profile:
@Stumblr profile NFT
ā“ user you follow active within last 20 days:
@Stumblr following active 20 days
ā“ follower active within last 10 hours, posts actively (āž— šŸ‘‡)
@Stumblr follower active 10 hours posted

šŸ‘‡ Notes:
ā„¹ default is 14 days, if you don't specify otherwise
ā„¹ min 10 minutes, max 90 days
ā„¹ minute accuracy up to 4 days, day accuracy above 4 days
āž— 100 points required, where: original post = 10 points, quoted repost = 5 points, repost = 1 point

šŸ“ˆ Check out analytic tools in the @WhatsMy*** family!
šŸ“† Roadmap: bit.ly/3qsym24
āœ… verified on @DeSocialWorld: desocialworld.com/u/WhatsMy
šŸ‘½ by @przemyslawdygdon
