Joined: Jul 8, 2021, 16:13:49
Active: Mar 23, 2025, 21:40:43
1382 following
5616 πŸ’Žs β‰ˆ $10.5 received

NFT series commemorating user BirthBlocks. They're like a 🧲 magnet you buy to put on your fridge to remember your travels!

πŸ”Ž Find your BirthBlock: mention @WhatsMyBirthBlock in a post!

🧱 Feature your art in BirthBlocks - DM me 🧱

🎨 Featuring art from:
➑ @Pixelangelo
➑ @BoopsBoutique
➑ @PaulyHart (@PaulyHartArt)

πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ BirthBlockNFTs were in space on 16th Feb 2022, on the International Space Station πŸ›°, with NFTs2Space by @ChaseSteely! All owners of BirthBlocks are now πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸš€πŸ‘½πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸš€πŸš€

🎨 Interesting BirthBlocks ➑ bit.ly/3mQ8uuT
🎨 DeSo events ➑ bit.ly/3Bq1jxP
🎨 @NFTz gallery ➑ bit.ly/3npMqXI
🎨 No-births master post ➑ bit.ly/45ZUOTs
🎨 With-births master post ➑ bit.ly/3zxgnyp

➑ Your BirthBlock - block when your name was "given" during profile update
➑ Public key creation we call the "conception" πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ
➑ If your public key was created long before updating username, conception period is long
➑ If you changed your username, you will receive notification when tagged in BirthBlock with your current, (re)born username

πŸš€ Inspiration ➑ bit.ly/3zlSDZT
βœ… verified @DeSocialWorld: desocialworld.com/u/BirthBlockNFT
πŸ‘½ by @przemyslawdygdon - "Block Alchemist"
