
⛽ The @WhatsMyGas command options:
@WhatsMyGas ➡ easy to understand summary of gas fees paid
@WhatsMyGas geek ➡ summary with technical details
@WhatsMyGas details ➡ split by transaction type groups
@WhatsMyGas geek details ➡ for blockchain enthusiasts
👥 To get gas fees for another user - use "@WhatsMyGas <command> @AnotherUser" (⚠)

💎 Includes info on diamonds received and given
😾 NFT collectors - fees for self-minting NFT collections are included as gas, your total might be higher comparing to others
⚠ NOTE! If there are more than 2 mentions in a post/comment, @WhatsMyGas is not triggered!

📈 Check out analytic tools in the @WhatsMy*** family!
💲 If you'd like to support me, please invest in @WhatsMy
📆 Roadmap: bit.ly/3qsym24
✅ verified on @DeSocialWorld: desocialworld.com/u/WhatsMy
👽 by @przemyslawdygdon
