Phocus on Photography

Phocus Day 44 photo: "Blood Lurks in the Shadows"

From Texas:

A total lunar eclipse leaves us with what is called a Blood Moon. The shadow of the earth causes the moon to appear red-orange in color. Total lunar eclipses aren't completely uncommon, but they are rarer than a partial lunar eclipse.

(For total transparency, I could not capture the eclipse last night as I am out of town for an airshow and did not bring my tripod. The tripod is necessary because in order to capture an image in the darkness, you must leave the shutter open which requires absolute stillness. I usually use a remote in these case as to not even shake the camera when snapping the photo. The photo I have attached is from the last total lunar eclipse visible to me in May 2022.)

@Moggel and @ArnoudvanderPlas I'm tagging you two because I was telling you about the Blood Moon.

The second image I have attached is just for fun. I got a few pictures last night but the frame was completely dark without being able to do a long exposure. When I used my software to lighten it up...the moon appeared out of the darkness. But it appeared like a cartoon image of the Death Star 😂 So, I turned it in to Photo Art.

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