Thanks to all the supporters who helped us close our Round 2 at an even $555.

We started a new $1000 Round ending in 7 Days and hopefully we'll soon have a way to buy and use tokens directly from too. 

We have ramped up the Referral Fee to 7% (from 2.5%). So if a friend invests 100$ in the Round, you make 7$. Great way to reward supporters and also get the word out on DesoGuard.

How to promote? 

Go to and Copy your Referral Link and SPAM all you...

Thanks to all the supporters who helped us close our Round 2 at an even $555.

We started a new $1000 Round ending in 7 Days and hopefully we'll soon have a way to buy and use tokens directly from too.

We have ramped up the Referral Fee to 7% (from 2.5%). So if a friend invests 100$ in the Round, you make 7$. Great way to reward supporters and also get the word out on DesoGuard.

How to promote?

Go to and Copy your Referral Link and SPAM all your friends who haven't invested yet. ;-)

Here's ours:

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I‘ve been watching some new accounts during the last weeks.
Checked with DesoGuard, and it said ‚green‘.
I interacted sometimes a bit like with „MissyWhite“ (I didn‘t buy though). I asked for more social media, „she“ added LinkedIn, I wrote there (got no reply) and then ‚she‘ rugged. Conclusion, it was an impostor and a scammer.
Now, I‘d love to feed this information into the DesoGuard. But I can‘t, without using a token again! Only when I do a fresh check, I can report. I think this mechanism is flawed. I should be able to give feedback to any account I checked earlier.


**Comment:** Great news! 🎉


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