You can also use your Deso to buy Desoscams Tokens by buying it from the Trade Page (
Last 10-12 days before we close this round and we are still a long way from our target. Help us spread the word and random users get some FREE @desoscams tokens to try out You can contribute to our round at
Also check out for a Bot-Free Front-End experience.
@avrce @Wisebubbler @degen_doge and @Shilley bringing in the big contributions / top-ups ... Thanks for your support.
You can also use your Deso to buy Desoscams Tokens by buying it from the Trade Page (
Last 10-12 days before we close this round and we are still a long way from our target. Help us spread the word and random users get some FREE @desoscams tokens to try out You can contribute to our round at
Also check out for a Bot-Free Front-End experience.
Great work, happy to contribute!