I like this idea.
We know that the octane fund failed because vetting startups is hard(and other reasons...)
But instead could do a simple bounty based on users of the app(different thesis than bootstrapping on existing DeSo users but of course they could still use).
Pay $1 million for every 100,000 users.
I bet you'd have plenty of people competing.
Also to make it less risky for the app builders and less all or nothing -> payout in milestones like $100k for each 10,000 users.
Total cost for 2 million users is $20m
That's a reasonable CAC and less than 10% of treasury.
To get different outcomes must try different things.
I'm lucky if I get disagreement.
I usually just get the "fuck you"

You are completely wrong .
I'm lucky if I get disagreement.
I usually just get the "fuck you"

You are completely wrong .