
Full-time nerd, otaku, gamer, investor and business geek.

I'm too old to be polite so I post Common Sense.

Early to Bitcoin (2012), Ethereum (2016), ENS (2017), DeFi (2018), NFTs (2019), DeSo (2021) and most of the meaningful things in Web3.

Opinions are my own and do not constitute legal, financial or regulatory advice.

My Creator Coin and NFTs are an ongoing social experiment and should NOT be viewed as an investment, security or form of equity. No promise of returns and it could all go to zero.

Failure to transact Creator Coins and NFTs through official DESO marketplaces will result in account and NFT blacklisting along with the removal from ongoing holder rewards.

Users who are blocked on socials will also be exempt from rewards being sponsored and issued by myself.

I'm retired and stream Web3 games:

Bio: <whaledshark.com>

Twitch: <twitch.tv/whaledshark>
