We know that the octane fund failed because vetting startups is hard(and other reasons...)
But instead could do a simple bounty based on users of the app(different thesis than bootstrapping on existing DeSo users but of course they could still use).
Pay $1 million for every 100,000 users.
I bet you'd have plenty of people competing.
Also to make it less risky for the app builders and less all or nothing -> payout in milestones like $100k for each 10,000 users.
Total cost for 2 million users is $20m
That's a reasonable CAC and less than 10% of treasury.
To get different outcomes must try different things.
There are some challenges to avoid gamifying the numbers. Also users may use multiple apps, so the DAU doesn’t add up exactly. However, it’s an interesting idea that can be tuned towards implementation
Fascinating idea. I really like it.
Are there that many non-bot / non-airdrop farmer DAU in all of web3? :)
The core team should open source the Focus code to kickstart this developer ecosystem.