🚀 Generation 2 of CyberPunkApes is LIVE! 🦍🔥 Be part of the revolution by buying 25 Gen 1 Apes on the secondary market to get in on the action. Bidding starts at just 1 DeSo per Ape! Don't miss out on royalties! Dive in now: cyberpunkapes.xyz/gen2/bid
🚀 Generation 2 of CyberPunkApes is LIVE! 🦍🔥 Be part of the revolution by buying 25 Gen 1 Apes on the secondary market to get in on the action. Bidding starts at just 1 DeSo per Ape! Don't miss out on royalties! Dive in now: cyberpunkapes.xyz/gen2/bid
is this an nft?