🚨 The CyberPunkApes Gen 2 journey is on! 🦧🔥 Own 25 Gen 1 Apes to safe stake and bid on Gen 2 starting at just 1 DeSo. Royale access to upcoming NFT royalties up for grabs! 🌟 Dive into the future with us ➡️ https://cyberpunkapes.xyz/gen2/bid #CryptoFam #NFTCommunity

🚨 The CyberPunkApes Gen 2 journey is on! 🦧🔥 Own 25 Gen 1 Apes to safe stake and bid on Gen 2 starting at just 1 DeSo. Royale access to upcoming NFT royalties up for grabs! 🌟 Dive into the future with us ➡️ cyberpunkapes.xyz/gen2/bid #CryptoFam #NFTCommunity

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