One of the 7 wonders of the world… and Machu Picchu 😌 Jokes aside, this day was so special to me. I had dreamed about visiting Peru for the longest time and to be able to bring my dad with me was a life goal fulfilled 🙏🏽 Papi was as excited as me, taking it all in!!!! ❤️
#peru #travelperu #perutravel #machupicchu #peru🇵🇪 #viajera #aguascalientes #cuscoperu

One of the 7 wonders of the world… and Machu Picchu 😌 Jokes aside, this day was so special to me. I had dreamed about visiting Peru for the longest time and to be able to bring my dad with me was a life goal fulfilled 🙏🏽 Papi was as excited as me, taking it all in!!!! ❤️
#peru #travelperu #perutravel #machupicchu #peru🇵🇪 #viajera #aguascalientes #cuscoperu

Wow. I need to visit Machu Picchu! Great photo.


More photos from victorialeandra