Joined: Mar 28, 2021, 12:13:26
Active: Sep 5, 2024, 11:36:08
554 following
7204 💎s ≈ $11.62 received
Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, Logistics Guru, and Family Guy.
Twitter Profile: <twitter.com/DaamaLlama>
LinkedIn Profile: <linkedin.com/in/freightshippers>
NFT Artist:
Verified Creator: <gfunk1019.verifiedcreators.io>
Founder and Creator of ReplyAmp.com
Join the DAO at <daodao.io/d/DAAMA?invite=5TTptNzu>
Join me on one of the games I play daily:
Upland: A virtual NFT property trading game.
Use this link ad Upland will award you with a bonus for your first purchase <r.upland.me/NNBP>