Todays word of the day, "Fragmentation".
By executing transactions only on 1 node even if you were successful it would mean all other nodes would not work and then force a centralization. In the event they all were to do what you do. You then have a fragmented user experience that defeats the core intent.
Those that do not learn from history, only end up repeating it. Ask Microsoft, they know about it all to well lol.
Think it's covered in these comments and the blog post... but, think this is misunderstooding...
This is a single isolated experiment:
- NOT to fragment or hardfork
- TO VERIFY that the chain can be considered DECENTRALISED
The point is to remove the argument that "Deso is not decentralised".
If the nodes can be isolated and continue to mint, it proves that the chain is not reliant upon core nodes (i.e. Locked to centralised nodes as it has been previously... before POS)
3 nodes as experiment
it's detailed more in the blog post š
it's only an experiment