@nader , at minimum, allocate some time to execute buy-and-burns for $OpenFund.
The treasury has accumulated $11,000 – a substantial sum for a project with a market cap of just $9 million.
Naturally, I’m suggesting this because the current low prices allow for maximized token burns.
For those of you looking to post to earn, DeSocialWorld has a fantastic program.
I very much enjoyed myself when I posted there for an entire day last week and continue to use it everyday in addition to Focus.
Thanks @DeSocialWorld ❤️
🔥#post2earn 🔥- #158 sponsored by @bscoin
We just paid our weekly 32.00 USD to the following creators:
💰 @Moggel - 152 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ryleesnet - 96 - 1.00 USD
💰 @WhaleDShark - 89 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Elsensato19 - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mcmarsh - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @StevoNagy - 76 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Arnoud - 69 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Florence_A - 67 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ElrickErikose - 57 - 1.00 USD
💰 @CHIBII - 56 - 1.00 USD
💰 @natalia_bel - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @DrMoz - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @AbundantLawrie - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @LeilaThigpen - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Malko23 - 42 - 1.00 USD
💰 @A_LawrieTreasure - 41 - 1.00 USD
💰 @irul1 - 40 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeWiJuGA - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @MrTrip1et - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeanOlson - 35 - 1.00 USD
💰 @JonathanM - 33 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mdmahmudulhasan - 31 - 1.00 USD
💰 @OuwePiet - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Clark_Renfort - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @charbelETH - 27 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Jaslfam - 22 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Douglas16 - 19 - 1.00 USD
💰 @powerhouseison - 15 - 1.00 USD
💰 @GlowArtAz - 11 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Kingomerbutt - 10 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Enos44 - 8 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Cc0Pics - 5 - 1.00 USD
Curious how you rank? Go to post2earndao.com/statistics and check out the live ranking.
New in this week's list: @WhaleDShark, @CHIBII, @natalia_bel, @LeilaThigpen, @Clark_Renfort, @GlowArtAz, @Kingomerbutt, @Cc0Pics,
No longer on this week's list: @carry2web, @Homey, @Johan_Holmberg, @Randhir,
Creators, congratulations 🥳 We just sent you your #deso
So, how do we determine this score per creator (simple version)?
👉 We count all posts on DeSocialWorld (rolling windows of 7 days; the count includes posts, comments, and quoted posts)
👉 We continuously count all likes, diamonds, comments, reposts, and quoted posts received for these posts
👉 We calculate a weighted average for all types of engagement, normalized across all posts of that creator
👉 Minimum to be ranked is (on average) 2 posts a day (i.e. post, comment, quoted posts) via desocialworld.com
🚀 If you like our #post2earn you are welcome to promote it using the hashtag #post2earn
📈 We truly flip the web2 model:
✅ Creators earn
✅ @BScoin gets brand exposure
✅ @DeSocialWorld grows an audience
✅ @deso users get content of higher quality
⛔ No Social Tech Firm earning
What happens when Nader makes announcement about cases being dropped?
DeSo pumps focus dumps
Don't be underexposed to $DeSo for what's about to happen.
Why would you invest in ghost coins when you can invest in a legendary coin?
Am I missing something? Post in the comments and reshare to get a Diamond surprise!
AB's Earnings
Last Post- 8 days ago
$AB Chart
Jaime's Earnings
Last Post- 1 month ago
$0xWallstreetbets Chart
Scott's Earnings- All reinvested in $DEBEVIC and burned
Last Post- Today
There will be released one DragonUniverse NFT everyday until focus launch on the 11th.
🔥🐉still very excited about focus 🐉🔥
LOL... @HighKey referred @sophiedeelive who got $70K as bounty reward for making "Focus is key." post.
See focus.xyz/earnings/sophiedeelive
And total 0 people joined to @focus via her referral link 🤣 see focus.xyz/bounty/referrals/sophiedeelive
This is the most stupid bounty program I have ever seen in my entire life... And if you confront @mossified and @nader with this, they pretend they never seen it...
So let this sink in... some random account gets $70K for nothing... and you people here keeping community alive since 2021 - you get zero reward.... even more... @nader dumps his $focus bags on you.

Let's build the house from the ground up.
1. An organized, managed, and daily active Telegram group.
2. An attractive, fun website and X account. Create a brand-related persona. "Normal" people aren't interested in the super-technical details, or even understand them. The first thing is to attract attention. There are worthless meme coins that perform a thousand times better than Focus just because of their marketing.
3. Support real projects, real communities, and financially if necessary. Sharkgang, Unicat, Penwyn, Desomon, and FucktheCats are NFT projects that could compete with the best from other networks. Focus excluded them from the equation, and in my opinion, that was one of the biggest mistakes.
4. Support developers. Deso isn't just Focus. Deso is the birthplace where we should see hundreds of diverse applications emerge. Nftz, DSW, Desofy, Gemstori..
5. Listen to the people. Once these four points are resolved, you have a solid foundation. From there, you can work on attracting users who are WILLING to join through the Deso mechanics, never through a bonus. Only then will you build something real and powerful.
Deso is the set of all in 1. That is its value.
$DEBEVIC wants to give some Diamonds Away!
How well do you know AI?
From the three images below, two are AI and one is a real woman. Answer correctly, repost, and comment and get Diamonds if you are correct.
This will run until March 23 at 6pm UTC