🔥#post2earn 🔥- #158 sponsored by @bscoin
We just paid our weekly 32.00 USD to the following creators:
💰 @Moggel - 152 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ryleesnet - 96 - 1.00 USD
💰 @WhaleDShark - 89 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Elsensato19 - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mcmarsh - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @StevoNagy - 76 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Arnoud - 69 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Florence_A - 67 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ElrickErikose - 57 - 1.00 USD
💰 @CHIBII - 56 - 1.00 USD
💰 @natalia_bel - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @DrMoz - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @AbundantLawrie - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @LeilaThigpen - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Malko23 - 42 - 1.00 USD
💰 @A_LawrieTreasure - 41 - 1.00 USD
💰 @irul1 - 40 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeWiJuGA - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @MrTrip1et - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeanOlson - 35 - 1.00 USD
💰 @JonathanM - 33 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mdmahmudulhasan - 31 - 1.00 USD
💰 @OuwePiet - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Clark_Renfort - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @charbelETH - 27 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Jaslfam - 22 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Douglas16 - 19 - 1.00 USD
💰 @powerhouseison - 15 - 1.00 USD
💰 @GlowArtAz - 11 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Kingomerbutt - 10 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Enos44 - 8 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Cc0Pics - 5 - 1.00 USD
Curious how you rank? Go to post2earndao.com/statistics and check out the live ranking.
New in this week's list: @WhaleDShark, @CHIBII, @natalia_bel, @LeilaThigpen, @Clark_Renfort, @GlowArtAz, @Kingomerbutt, @Cc0Pics,
No longer on this week's list: @carry2web, @Homey, @Johan_Holmberg, @Randhir,
Creators, congratulations 🥳 We just sent you your #deso
So, how do we determine this score per creator (simple version)?
👉 We count all posts on DeSocialWorld (rolling windows of 7 days; the count includes posts, comments, and quoted posts)
👉 We continuously count all likes, diamonds, comments, reposts, and quoted posts received for these posts
👉 We calculate a weighted average for all types of engagement, normalized across all posts of that creator
👉 Minimum to be ranked is (on average) 2 posts a day (i.e. post, comment, quoted posts) via desocialworld.com
🚀 If you like our #post2earn you are welcome to promote it using the hashtag #post2earn
📈 We truly flip the web2 model:
✅ Creators earn
✅ @BScoin gets brand exposure
✅ @DeSocialWorld grows an audience
✅ @deso users get content of higher quality
⛔ No Social Tech Firm earning
There are some challenges to avoid gamifying the numbers. Also users may use multiple apps, so the DAU doesn’t add up exactly. However, it’s an interesting idea that can be tuned towards implementation
Fascinating idea. I really like it.
Are there that many non-bot / non-airdrop farmer DAU in all of web3? :)
The core team should open source the Focus code to kickstart this developer ecosystem.