
When you launch a coin via @focus your coins get minted, AMM account is created and your coins transferred to that account. When timer goes to zero that AMM account is placing orders into order book.

For example for @WhaleDShark that account is @AMM_WhaleDShark_76_SWfzF and when somebody buys coins from AMM with $focus, those $focus get into AMM account and AMM account is placing buy order backed by those $focus coins.

So $focus tokens eventually get accumulated in AMM accounts... Now wait for it... Here is the fun part... Who do you think owns AMM account associated with your coin?

AMM accounts created during coin launch via @focus belong to @nader At the end of the day AMM service is run by @deso team and they own all those AMM accounts. @nader was saying something about giving ability for users to close AMM and get all coins back, but there is no such option yet.


PS buy more $brootle to read cool content like that, no AMM, no fees openfund.com/trade/brootle