When DeSo ETF? 😂😂😂😂😂
Thinking is pointless
Moggel understands how things work
Repost of cartoon, first published on 2 Apr 2024
Subscription to view Moggel cartoons on Focus is FREE! Subscribe here: https://focus.xyz/Moggel
#moggel #applesauce #cartoon #comic #deso #focus
To view this post, subscribe to @Moggel's feed at https://focus.xyz/@Moggel
***** Repost of the story about that annoying bot *****
In case your node or app doesn't display blog posts, here's the link to @DeSocialWorld :
and @BlogsAtDeso:
#moggel #applesauce #apfelmus #comic #cartoon
You're being notified because you voted in Moggel's poll to be part of the tag list. Just give me a note if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
And if you want to become part of the tag list, just let me know.
Story about that annoying bot
This story was community-driven by polls
View this post at desocialworld.com/u/Moggel/blog/story-about-that-annoying-bot

Thank you ivakar!
Hey Focus users, the Moggel subscription is free.
Every second day or so, I‘ll repost an existing cartoon there. This, because all cartoons are published as blog posts - and Focus doesn‘t support blog posts (yet). So I have to re-publish them as Focus rich-text posts with embedded images.
great art, you have subscription from me
Have a great weekend DeSo fam

We organized many win games. It's very nice to win something ourselves for a change.
Thank you @WhaleDShark 🙌
Congrats to @DeSocialWorld for winning #004 of the Vari4t1ons, Cybernetic Oni.
@DeSocialWorld will now have a continued share for Season 1 of The Vari4t1ons $DESO drop on a daily basis
NFT is now being sent and please remember to accept the NFT to start receiving your rewards from today.
Proof of list and proof of only 1 spin is attached. Once you have a Vari4t1on you will be removed from future drawings.
We will draw another winner next week until all 41 Vari4t1ons are distributed to the community ❤️
❤️ Q2 POST2EARN SPONSOR needed ❤️
Many recently claimed that #post2earn is vital for user onboarding & retention. We agree, having run campaigns for 158 consecutive weeks.
What's in it for you as a sponsor:
✅ Build tons of goodwill with the DeSo community
✅ Weekly mentions of your profile name
✅ A banner on our website
✅ Tiny brand quotes in our post/comment dialogue box
✅ Sponsor ranking on our @Post2Earn website
✅ Web2 mentions on X
✅ Build a relationship with an OG DEV team on DeSo
We'd like to thank our past sponsors: @Seelz @WeAreAllDeso @imoliver @The_Devil @NFTz @Pixelangelo @Exotica_S @MusicHeals @DeSocialWorldValidator @TheDC @BSCoin @Miniyo @DeSocialWorld

Users who bets tested were supposed to get a reward. But the list of beta users was written on ice blocks and exposed to sun. Unfortunately, it melted down. Bad luck, I guess 😂😂😂😂.
Currently, the rewards are focused on new comers and It hink it totally make sense. Why give rewards to community members who have stick to the platform even on tough times? These suckers will not go away, anyway. Instead, it makes sense to give tens of thousands at a time to people who create an account, post focus is key, claim reward, sell the token and never come back.
What happened to beta testers reward @nader @mossified
For those of you looking to post to earn, DeSocialWorld has a fantastic program.
I very much enjoyed myself when I posted there for an entire day last week and continue to use it everyday in addition to Focus.
Thanks @DeSocialWorld ❤️
🔥#post2earn 🔥- #158 sponsored by @bscoin
We just paid our weekly 32.00 USD to the following creators:
💰 @Moggel - 152 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ryleesnet - 96 - 1.00 USD
💰 @WhaleDShark - 89 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Elsensato19 - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mcmarsh - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @StevoNagy - 76 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Arnoud - 69 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Florence_A - 67 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ElrickErikose - 57 - 1.00 USD
💰 @CHIBII - 56 - 1.00 USD
💰 @natalia_bel - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @DrMoz - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @AbundantLawrie - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @LeilaThigpen - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Malko23 - 42 - 1.00 USD
💰 @A_LawrieTreasure - 41 - 1.00 USD
💰 @irul1 - 40 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeWiJuGA - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @MrTrip1et - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeanOlson - 35 - 1.00 USD
💰 @JonathanM - 33 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mdmahmudulhasan - 31 - 1.00 USD
💰 @OuwePiet - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Clark_Renfort - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @charbelETH - 27 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Jaslfam - 22 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Douglas16 - 19 - 1.00 USD
💰 @powerhouseison - 15 - 1.00 USD
💰 @GlowArtAz - 11 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Kingomerbutt - 10 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Enos44 - 8 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Cc0Pics - 5 - 1.00 USD
Curious how you rank? Go to post2earndao.com/statistics and check out the live ranking.
New in this week's list: @WhaleDShark, @CHIBII, @natalia_bel, @LeilaThigpen, @Clark_Renfort, @GlowArtAz, @Kingomerbutt, @Cc0Pics,
No longer on this week's list: @carry2web, @Homey, @Johan_Holmberg, @Randhir,
Creators, congratulations 🥳 We just sent you your #deso
So, how do we determine this score per creator (simple version)?
👉 We count all posts on DeSocialWorld (rolling windows of 7 days; the count includes posts, comments, and quoted posts)
👉 We continuously count all likes, diamonds, comments, reposts, and quoted posts received for these posts
👉 We calculate a weighted average for all types of engagement, normalized across all posts of that creator
👉 Minimum to be ranked is (on average) 2 posts a day (i.e. post, comment, quoted posts) via desocialworld.com
🚀 If you like our #post2earn you are welcome to promote it using the hashtag #post2earn
📈 We truly flip the web2 model:
✅ Creators earn
✅ @BScoin gets brand exposure
✅ @DeSocialWorld grows an audience
✅ @deso users get content of higher quality
⛔ No Social Tech Firm earning
fresh 48h auction, enjoy !!
The Inner Self-Portrait NFT series!
288) The Beauty and the Beast !! #60*
* Unique Animated Edition !!!