Focus is key.
DeSoOps just hit 500 Followers, with over 100 new follows since December 🚀🚀🚀👏👏👏.

So, if you're curious as to everyone's % ownership and holding of $Focus tokens, just use @DeSoOps ( 😎.

Announcement: The EchoDeSo Alliance Project Proposal and Launch
Hi all. @JohnJardin here. We have less than 4 hours remaining before the EchoDeSo DAO and Creator Coin launches (28th Dec 23 - 12 PM UTC)🚀.
A full Project Proposal has been published to the DAO's Landing page and can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I am over the moon excited about this latest project 😎.
CC Followers:
@MoneyQuest @Peeboy17 @Taeo_RestoraFoods @DeSoDuels @mobitoro @BKPOWER8 @CivilEngineer @DeSoOps @ElrickErikose @Moggel @Nordian @Octavie @Tevah @UniversalMuslimWelSociety
CC Top John Jardin Project Holders:
@Bizman007 @BigMikeR35 @WhaleDShark @That70sRobot @Randhir @nader @mossified @Ashdigital @diamondhands @HighKey @Krassenstein @Bendunbar79 @DiamondVC @Ugottaloveit @OKOKOKOO @ElizabethTubbs @Randhir @GaikeNFTcreations @Jhayppy @BKPOWER8 @jodybossert @MrTrip1et @KTULL01 @tobiasschmid @Johan_Holmberg @NodeRunner @fisnikee @PSYCOart @ElizabethTubbs @Gaike @JDArmstrong
Hi everyone. I have fantastic news and an announcement of my newest project 😎:
1. @DeSoOps release scheduled for this Friday (29/12)
I'm too excited about this release, not only because it includes the ability to distribute to followers and following but because the entire design has been refactored to manage larger volumes of users to distribute tokens to.
2. My newest project, called "EchoDeSo Alliance" - @EchoDeSo, is almost ready to be released.
The FOCUS of this project and DAO (see what I did there 😜) is to incentivize and proactively execute the creating and publishing of DeSo-based content on other social media platforms via various content creators and influencers.
Much more info will be coming soon, and just as a pre-notice...the first DAO round for this project launches this Thursday at 12 PM UTC.
Link to DAO -
If this project works, we can turbocharge the adoption of the DeSo Platform, benefitting all 🚀.
To keep up with updates and announcements, follow @EchoDeSo and you will be notified 👍.
In the meantime, if you want to throw any questions my way, feel free 🙂.
Quick CC:
@nathanwells @octavie @Nordian @VishalGulia @Ashdigital @nader @MANRIKPHOTO @mossified @Randhir @That70sRobot @Bizman007 @jodybossert @1dolinski @ElrickErikose @JDArmstrong @Moggel @MazScaler @OuwePiet @MechellLord @KTULL01 @MrTrip1et @Johan_Holmberg @CivilEngineer @NodeRunner @Ugottaloveit @Bendunbar79 @DiamondVC @Dylanjaggerlee @BKPOWER8 @BrianDrever @Kaanha @Mher @CassiusCuvee @tobiasschmid @SeWiJuGA @BenErsing @mcmarsh @ZORAN @RealMcoin @Krassenstein @rolanseyidov @NimalYas @HighKey @WhaleDShark @dharmesh @diamondhands @deso @edokoevoet

@Drawingartist Thank you for buying this project's Creator Coin 🙏

@DeSoDuels the new begin. @JohnJardin 🎄🥂

A small Merry Christmas gesture to all my Creator Coin Holders. I've distributed $10 of CC equally across all of you who have been active in the past 10 days.
Merry Christmas 🎄🙏 - John
Note: Distribution was made possible using @DeSoOps.
@ElizabethTubbs @GaikeNFTcreations @FedeDM @IDESofMarch @That70sRobot @jodybossert @Octavie @BKPOWER8 @ElrickErikose @sbad @fisnikee @LeilaThigpen @ColourBlobs @KTULL01 @MrTrip1et @mahedihasan @Homey @alohadreamer @Businessman007 @Gaike @Pickleballb @Kaanha @HappyRabbit @PSYCOart @Angelique511 @phoobiedoo @nathanwells @Twinstars @Gatucu @ShadyAcres @Ashdigital @CompulsiveDoodler @Bhagyasri @PhilippeTahiti @Waves_Streaming @Sidetalker @Panini @Moggel @RoosPower @OuwePiet @Randhir @Varavyshka @RealMcoin @SeWiJuGA @pablocieslik @tinarg @salakis @CivilEngineer @Jhayppy @Johan_Holmberg @TONIE24 @trimi

With all the experience I've gained building @DeSoOps and @DeSoDuels, I'm confident enough to start sharing my knowledge with other Dev Builders.
In short, I plan to start releasing educational content early 2024. This should excite my Creator Coin Holders.
Stay tuned - John 🙂.
CC Creator Coin Holders:
@Bendunbar79 @DiamondVC @Ugottaloveit @CivilEngineer @Dylanjaggerlee @That70sRobot @BirthdayEveryday @BKPOWER8 @KTULL01 @Silver_Vein @BrianDrever @Kaanha @Mher @Octavie @Investwithmeanniec @CassiusCuvee @maximumEV @AltumBase @Taeo_RestoraFoods @tobiasschmid @SeWiJuGA @BenErsing @Pickleballb @mcmarsh @Coast2888 @firedream @MANRIKPHOTO @Omnifrog @3projh @ZORAN @ColourBlobs @RealMcoin @PickleBallCoin @Krassenstein @Cryptidiot @Hassan777 @Taiwanese @rolanseyidov @Santa_Clout @UniversalMuslimWelSociety @pablocieslik @maeseow @NimalYas @MrEdit @emptyset @speakingLight

DeSoOps V2.0.0 Released with GraphQL & Last Active Filter
DeSoOps V2.0.0 introduces a complete GraphQL rewrite and allows filtering users by Last Active
View this post at
Mentions: @JohnJardin @DeSoOps #desoops