Be kind. Etre gentil.
My name is Angelique. I would like to meet new friends and make creations. I like art, poetry, literature, nature, and learning new things. I have been out of social media for a while and would like to become part of the Deso family.
I have a special place in my heart for Tibet and saving their culture and religion. I enjoy creating art and posting on Deso my gallery can be found at:
3d gallery: angelique511.nftz.me/3d/space
Hero swap affiliate link: heroswap.com/Angelique511
Openfund DAO tokens I invested in:
Proud Sponsor of
Other Social Media’s:
NewBitcoincity: Foxifreckles511
Instagram: @angelique511_
Telegram: @Angelique511
Interested in these charities ☮️:
#FreeTibet #Beekind #Studentsforafreetibet #Savethewhales #Savethegorillas #Savetheelephants #Savethebees #Peacecorps #Sierra Club #Greenpeace
Favorite Deso Creators:
@SeWiJuGA @Jcrypto711 @leojay @NFTLegacy @NodeBitsDAO @ouwepiet
@diamondbank @Ugottaloveit
@Sciencecorner @happyrabbit
@GaikeNFTcreations @Elrickericrose
@Gatucu @anoubis @ArtToZ
@photosemotions @shadyacres
@realmccoin @pentwistNfT
@Irina_Designer @Rhehanrei
@Photosemotions @ariskoufovasillis
@mahedihasan @tobiasschmid
@jhayppy @that70srobot @bkpowers8
@mher @realmccoin @boywholovesburgers
@desoops used to distribute rewards to my CC holders.
Holder of @diamondbank who airdrops to top CC holders