d9d31a41ec0e26c72df534462375a64101bc752664e245d44998a1abd38ce731Mar 20, 2025, 16:28:59
For those that are wondering...
At this point in time, we are giving away 2.5 $DESO per day across all three WhaleDShark NFT programs which equates to 900 $DESO per year.
Staked rewards are distributed across the programs as follows:
Loyalty Season One: ~66.67%
WhaleDripShark: ~22.22%
Vari4t1ons: ~11.11%
Vari4t1on distros look artificially high as we have not distributed enough of them yet. Congrats to the early holders though.
Can't wait to see what the distro numbers look like at full value the day after ❤️