
I've been getting questions about how I post this "much" ever since I re-started posting on Focus...

1, I don't have a plan for content. I have thoughts and I see things throughout the day. If I think that it's something that could be helpful or interesting for my community or future generations, I post it.

2, I say a "good morning" when I wake up and then post if I feel like it. If I don't have much to say or I don't feel like it, I post less like yesterday. I don't feel obliged or pressured to say anything.

3, My daily interactions in IRL are highly limited. I'm extremely anti-social and i'd rather post here than have an IRL conversation or even a chat on discord. This could be the difference between you and me.

4, There are housekeeping items that I do need to post about on the daily for the growth of the community. Even on days when I do not have anything original to say, there is always "work" that needs to be cone.

5, When developing something, writing things down is often more effective than trying to work it out in your head. Sometimes you'll see my stream-of-consciousness... although probably a little more structured than most people, bleed into my posts as i'm working through thoughts and plans. It's part of my work-flow.

And no, none of my posts on Bitclout, Diamond or Focus have ever been written by an AI or a team.

It's all me.