All posts by @Verified3DArtist

No one claims this @SeWiJuGA users NFTs because of the underlying agenda of being a #scamboss was discovered late December 2022. Near all of the user's NFTs are force-dropped on the unsuspecting, and art theft users this #scamtrainer introduces to the DeSo platform.

Any user who buys or holds this users' creator coin or continues to hold the force dropped NFTs minted by this user is marked and will forever be watched without any trust forthcoming from the majority of the DeSo user ecosystems.

How this #scamloard makes money is by being first to buy the creator coin of the scam user accounts, then cashes out the creator coins before his fellow scammer rugs all the honest users who naively bought what they thought was a new user's creator coin in support.

Why this #grifter chose to attack this #3D project and the DeSo OG team building it since before his even having signed up on DeSo is beyond comprehension.

Even Gary R. Brown @Garrfish as one of the initial founders of this metaverse project first opened in 1998 having been the Chief of Police in the City of Corinth, Texas, doesn't seem to be a deterrent for this user's level of stupidity.

This user claims he was threatened in some way yet will not provide any proof to anyone that such an event ever took place, nor will he provide a point of legal contact in the country of Portugal he resides for a defamation lawsuit to be easily filed, even though it is known who he is, with name, photographs, phone numbers, user accounts off-chain and record of employment already discovered.

It is difficult to understand why these attacks are happening in that the Universe project, a free #metaverse for all on DeSo, isn't any different than any other App or Node project being built on the DeSo ecosystem, with several top-level #BitClout OG members seated on the @UC13 Team?

The history and proven facts of this user inviting and training art thieves to DeSo, and attempting to fight back by hurting and disparaging bonified artists in claiming and then burning their real and genuine artwork, has been in vain as he attempts to save his own skin.

It is a sorry sight to see. The NFTz Dev Team & Node has banned several of the art thieves in this scammer's clique, and almost all of the scammed art this lackies have minted on DeSo can be found at @ScamNFTtrashbin, but a fine line is drawn since he only trains other to steal art and mint it as unrecognizable while not practicing with his own NFT minting what he trains others to do.

Any who missed the information posted by DeSo Core Team Verified OG User @FatWalrusBeard should revisit it. With this information made public long ago anyone associated with this user has been under the watchful eye of the anti-scam community here on DeSo, and will be forever.

For many other users on DeSo not wanting to see the drama, any users who associate with this #crimeboss are simply blocked and forgotten about.

Further to those results, anyone associating with this sort of hate-filled user will see poor results for as long as they remain on DeSo. Groups like @ScamHunters_inc will forever go after these sorts of users and their supporters in attempt to wake up the victims to remove themselves from their guilty by association standing.

This user's antics are at the core the accusation of every member of Your Universe Council of 13, the majority of DeSo Dev Teams, writers, photographers and NFT artists as all being a part of his self-proclaimed and solo claim to be a part of a massive scam system-wide on the DeSo blockchain, is disheartening.

What's worse is the lack of intelligence this user has displayed in all of his inept attacks; quite simply scary this level of lack of intelligence exists.

It is most unfortunate that the simple minding cannot understand that a decentralized social media environment does not and will not follow the rules of one person and their idiotic self-proclaimed laws of how things should be run. They only attack and disparage doing damage to the entire ecosystem, and in the case of NFTs, cost artists the potential of their artwork being purchased in secondary markets from the conflict and threat of argument they post directly to every artist's work.

If such attack of a fellow Dev Team & their project is allowed to take place by another Devs or Dev Team building a toolset, App or Node on DeSo, that team's values will forever come into question as well.

In support of our fellow Devs, Your Universe has blocked this user and all those known closely associated with the user's account and will continue to both expose and block users with a criminal intent to keep all the good and ethical people trying to build a healthy Web-3 environment for themselves and all on DeSo.

This user is and will continue to be marked by every support account operated by the UC13 Team and new users warned of the dangers of the decentralized environment, using examples like this user as a warning forevermore.

In the end, it sure would be nice if he stopped claiming and burning the OG's art REAL artwork in protest for not agreeing with him and polluting their comments section of their NFTs put up for sale or offered to the DeSo community at no cost simply for their love of art and the community itself.

Most all know those who make the most negative noise have the most to hide, this user is no exception.

We wish this user well in finding the help he needs as is required to function in any healthy environment anywhere.

Don't assume, verify.

Image attached by @UC13 to a post

if it wasnt part of below fake verifiers harrashment scheme i would likely buy it! its sad!!
