Transfer #ScamNFTs to this #ScamNFTtrashbin to help protect other users by showing the scam to everybody.
Don't burn the scam cause a burn is seen by the scammer and helps a scammer hide and rug, it erases evidence, and can look like you are helping hide and protect scammers from being identified so send it here and it makes you look good.
Transfer all the NFTs a scammer creates here even if just some are confirmed stolen.
Scammers mix their scams with unconfirmed to help get them passed being caught and identified.
Stop them from doing it do not give unconfirmed ones back to the scammer or burn them send them all here and ScamNFTtrashbin will show up as a top NFT holder of the scammer to easy warn everybody.
If just art you don't want send to @NFTstash to hold it for you so read the wall there.
Any legitimate NFTs transferred here will be transferred back to the creator or to @NFTstash holding but we will not ask to retrieve any of them.
š Any unwanted NFTs you receive that are NOT scammer NFTs should first be considered for transfer back to the creator (better) instead of being transfer here or keep them as yours but not in your gallery send to @NFTstash.
This acct will most likely not reply.
Intent is to be public service only.
Please give diamonds to the post here to help fund the cost to keep you safe and cost of receiving transferred scam NFTs. There's lots look at the gallery here!
This public service and not looking to make money but it COSTS this account money. Donations of diamonds to posts made do help this account help you thank you.
Each NFT transferred here by any given user is #NotGuaranteed to be scammed from another artist. If you or anyone realizes an NFT has been transferred here in error use the DM service to make your dispute. This account will be monitored from time to time but will generally not respond to posts in the community feed.
Any NFTs found to NOT be part of a scammer created collection or created by a scammer mixing stolen art with what looks to be original NFTs to try to hide the stolen ones or where a NFT gets sent here in spite to harm another user the user having done the transfer will be blocked and the NFT returned to the creator.