Joined: Apr 14, 2021, 13:35:28
Active: Dec 16, 2024, 17:18:20
1059 following

While we set the stage for the Featured Artist Exposé events, take notice of the @SeWiJuGA user & ask SHOW PROOF of the ridiculous claims this fake makes.

Not only will this grifter answer nothing, watch for the fake-out to come with some bull-comment in pathetic attempt to redirect you.

🤣 Debunk the scam-boss...
🤔 Ask the #1 NFT minting BitClout OGs @PaulyHart & @BoopsBoutique with +15,000 combined, individually minted works on DeSo why they send their work to UC13 & @Verified3DArtist, just like many other REAL Artists have done & still do. Note that it is their NFTs that are used in the welcoming @BirthBlockNFT backgrounds EVERY new user receives as well; yes, there is a @WhatsMy 3D World in Your Universe too.
🤷🏻‍♂️ Ask @edokoevoet, owner of @DeSocialWorld, why he personally verified ECOE's account without doing his peer-to-peer process...
👉ECOE *never* asked for a☑️!
👀 Ask @NFTz's van Halen bros if they'd like to see this SeWage-troll cease & desist his obsessive bullying campaign against Your 3D Universe project or why NONE of the NFT Artist support-ring accounts have ever been blocked.
🌐 Ask why @Randhir, owner of @DeSoScams, is a 3D Citizen, is in seat-2 on UC13 & has a 3D World for the @CreaTiers Node he built on DeSo.
🖖 Ask 700+ day OG @ECOE why the request to stop a Core Team Verification was made back in the boom-days of @BitClout, when fellow OGs pushed for it.
🚩 Today anyone, even new users pushing their Web2 "Follow My Rules" agenda, can get verified by saying "I Like DeSo" or have 3 users (even scam supporting users) vouch for you; it's all a crap shoot of being in the right clique & a lie.
🚩 Ask the fake @SeWiArT, owner #Scumbag, why he tried to KILL #GetKenHome's fundraising to save a life from #cancer...
- An indirect attempted murder?

"Gee Mr. Crimeboss, the UC13 Dev Team never charged anyone for the metaverse they gave everyone for free, they buy all the NFTs they hold & even yours Scam-man, and they have never sold or even put one NFT up for sale while waiting on the promotional shows... so, why won't you show us all where the scam is, where any threat has been made, where there is any harassment (other than your pathetic attempts tossed daily at this Dev Team), or why you don't just shut the hell up and stop your pointless trolling for those who haven't blocked you, yet?"

This proven #CrimeBoss can easily be seen #bullying & disparaging #women as objects, training #ArtThieves how to avoid being caught minting their #StolenArt & how to mass-follow to gain a greater number of victims to scam, then this scammer rugs his #ScamTrainee's creator coin he was first to buy in on laughing all the way to his bank with hundreds of X% profits.
🤷🏻‍♂️ The blockchain doesn't lie.
It is easy to see who is a fake.

Use the @WhatMy tools to see over +90% of his Follows are dead accounts, and over 95% of those he follows haven't posted anything in months, years or never.

This scumbag has relentlessly caused problems on DeSo since at least December 2022 when the Scam Hunter groups & users discovered how this #scammer operates.
👉 Also take note that your Universe Founders Garrfish & ECOE are not scam hunters or related to any of the scam hunter users or groups on DeSo, or anywhere else. At least not outside of showing support to those who are & actively watching for stolen art minted into NFTs since this #ScamRing-Boss started taking hundreds of users for their money.

🤔 What did anti-scammers find?
First instructing his new scam-recruits to set their FR at 10%, Scam Boss pounces to get their creator coin dirt cheap, the #ScamBoss then rugs from the scam-recruit's creator coin to profit from the innocent users who bought after he set them up for the burn.

For DeSo, this idiot is just like the cigarettes he sucks on, killing the very thing he exists on, DAUs going flat from being sick of seeing the spew, the web-2 morons shilling that their rules should be applied to all, or telling all users to hive-attack those who sell their creator coins...
👉 Kindergarten mentality!

An ever-growing history can be seen in the posts of @ScamHunters_inc busting this con, over 90% of the stolen art brought to DeSo is shown in the @ScanNFTtrashbin NFT Gallery still building from 2022 & in one of the many posts linked-to on most 3D Universe managed support accounts, here: diamondapp.com/posts/ec76fed8e4dda13b5beaa539115ccc43361c790a0606eb3b0041635eb492aa12?tab=posts

👉 An extensive blog post providing an immense amount of evidence about this user's criminal activity, with screenshot picture evidence of this scam-boss claiming then burning other REAL Artists NFT works as another form of attack & erratic behavior in attempt to make himself look innocent (what a JOKE!), ever increasing #fake accounts being created that he claims have purpose other than his obvious actions of his giving his own posts likes, diamonds and reposts to boost his own hot-feed rankings, will be forthcoming to get this scumbag off of the 3D Universe Support account's bio areas...
~ There is a LOT of information, be patient with the blog as it builds.

Lists of who this #grifter associates with can be seen in who supports his agenda (some though are innocent, but just to blind not taking the time to see it) by owning his creator coin, the mass of NFTs no one even claims for free that he force-transfers to create his top 5 NFT #fake-holders and those very few who give the scam-boss Likes, Diamonds & Reposts to the polluted posts the grifter makes.

Every NFT our Dev and management team have ever collected has been purchased and paid by Your Universe in support of promoting all REAL Artists on DeSo, or the REAL Artists airdropping their work (which we diamond, like, repost and promote #free of any charge anyway), to be entered into Your 3D metaverse Universe that was given to all members and Dev Teams on DeSo free of charge on August 10th, 2022.

Note too, Never ONE NFT has been sold or put up for sale for our Dev & management team to profit from any of the NFTs ever.

Where's the scam?
Where's the abuse?
Who's the "ONE" making accusations.
Get use to no response & distractions.
@SeWiJuGA is Pure SCUM.
