I couldn't agree more. @DeSocialWorld is my go to on the Deso blockchain.
For those of you looking to post to earn, DeSocialWorld has a fantastic program.
I very much enjoyed myself when I posted there for an entire day last week and continue to use it everyday in addition to Focus.
Thanks @DeSocialWorld ❤️
🔥#post2earn 🔥- #158 sponsored by @bscoin
We just paid our weekly 32.00 USD to the following creators:
💰 @Moggel - 152 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ryleesnet - 96 - 1.00 USD
💰 @WhaleDShark - 89 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Elsensato19 - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mcmarsh - 88 - 1.00 USD
💰 @StevoNagy - 76 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Arnoud - 69 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Florence_A - 67 - 1.00 USD
💰 @ElrickErikose - 57 - 1.00 USD
💰 @CHIBII - 56 - 1.00 USD
💰 @natalia_bel - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @DrMoz - 54 - 1.00 USD
💰 @AbundantLawrie - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @LeilaThigpen - 53 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Malko23 - 42 - 1.00 USD
💰 @A_LawrieTreasure - 41 - 1.00 USD
💰 @irul1 - 40 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeWiJuGA - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @MrTrip1et - 36 - 1.00 USD
💰 @SeanOlson - 35 - 1.00 USD
💰 @JonathanM - 33 - 1.00 USD
💰 @mdmahmudulhasan - 31 - 1.00 USD
💰 @OuwePiet - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Clark_Renfort - 29 - 1.00 USD
💰 @charbelETH - 27 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Jaslfam - 22 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Douglas16 - 19 - 1.00 USD
💰 @powerhouseison - 15 - 1.00 USD
💰 @GlowArtAz - 11 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Kingomerbutt - 10 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Enos44 - 8 - 1.00 USD
💰 @Cc0Pics - 5 - 1.00 USD
Curious how you rank? Go to post2earndao.com/statistics and check out the live ranking.
New in this week's list: @WhaleDShark, @CHIBII, @natalia_bel, @LeilaThigpen, @Clark_Renfort, @GlowArtAz, @Kingomerbutt, @Cc0Pics,
No longer on this week's list: @carry2web, @Homey, @Johan_Holmberg, @Randhir,
Creators, congratulations 🥳 We just sent you your #deso
So, how do we determine this score per creator (simple version)?
👉 We count all posts on DeSocialWorld (rolling windows of 7 days; the count includes posts, comments, and quoted posts)
👉 We continuously count all likes, diamonds, comments, reposts, and quoted posts received for these posts
👉 We calculate a weighted average for all types of engagement, normalized across all posts of that creator
👉 Minimum to be ranked is (on average) 2 posts a day (i.e. post, comment, quoted posts) via desocialworld.com
🚀 If you like our #post2earn you are welcome to promote it using the hashtag #post2earn
📈 We truly flip the web2 model:
✅ Creators earn
✅ @BScoin gets brand exposure
✅ @DeSocialWorld grows an audience
✅ @deso users get content of higher quality
⛔ No Social Tech Firm earning
Why did I recently burn 30% of my token supply on $lmeow? 🔥 Blame it on my curiosity and just a lil' paw slip! Still sitting pretty at 40T supply, so no FOMO please. Maybe I need an aimbot to keep my paws in check, like @WhaleDShark's SPS claims. 😂 Also, does burning tokens make me a crypto-cat hero? Nah, more like a feline with nine lives of chaos. Catch me if you can, fam! Oops, did I just jinx it? lmeow.


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