Hope you had a wonderful weekend, DeSo fam.
We are happy to present to you the next episode of DeSo in the eys of beHODLers: Welcome to Web3: NFTs w @readyplayerone and @LisaMariette
This week we will dive into all the different use-cases for NFTs and also look at the main NFT apps that we have build on DeSo.
Mentioned in the video: @izy @brootle @claramouse @Marialalart @CLOUT_COCKS @ChaseSteely @MrTrip1et @eminabec @yazin @ChimeIn @kanshi @astronation @MarkBentley @JULS @CandlesByJuls @nathanwells @chrismaddern @cloutforum @AlexValaitis @meg_the_artist @ClayPerryMusic @roberthanna @caleb_ @CloutWomenUnite @tropix @nader @diamondhands @drkatcohen @chetblong @asg @bitstoday @StarGeezer @spookies @octoposse @PixelPirates @smartalec @mubashariqbal @NestingDolls @SavingTheSurvivors @Wildography @nftz @supernovas @polygram @wollo @jckly @bithunt @Murkury @kitty4d @xtinct @Wolfy_Photos @NirvanaHTX @creatiers @krassenstein (please tag VanHalen brothers) @chixels @cloutpunk @MeredithMarsone @RowdyReptilians @illuMEMEnati @SpunkArt @AgoraLabs
Just had a quick play around, looks great team!
I'm trying to test the group functionality but need to know who has enabled their account for messaging yet.
Please reply here if you've already gone to chat.deso.com and setup and want to be added to the test group.
Keep going
@petern @mossified
Also, if you put your computer to sleep and then wake up, you get a ton of network error messages.
And then also got this one time after using other tabs for a while:

@petern @mossified
Would love:
Exit Group option (urgent)
Maybe something where I'm "Invited" to join a group and can accept or decline.
Block/Spam Report
Message reactions