Joined: Jul 10, 2022, 13:50:25
Active: Jan 13, 2025, 19:46:51
2092 following
532 πŸ’Žs β‰ˆ $1.96 received

Hi call me meg!😎
I’m an art lover and maker.
Using iPad and Procreate to draw NFTs

β€’Let’s play a creativity game!🀩
Give me a monster name and I will create a Monster NFT inspired by the name you give!

βœ… @verifiedprofile ➑ bit.ly/3EyRY9y

Also verified on:

For NFT previews:
ig: instagram.com/meg.theartist

And this is just me πŸ’πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
personal ig: instagram.com/meggz0
