The engine of a huge ship broke down and no one could repair it. So they called in a mechanical engineer with over 30 years of experience.
He carefully inspected the engine, from top to bottom. After examining everything, the engineer opened his bag and took out a small hammer.
He gently tapped a specific spot. Very quickly, the engine started up again. The ship was repaired!
A week later, the engineer sent a bill for $20,000 to the ship's owner.
"What?!" exclaimed the owner. "You've barely done anything! Give us a detailed bill."
The engineer simply replied:
- Hammer blow: $2- Knowing where to strike and how hard: $19,998
The importance of recognizing expertise and experience... because they are the fruit of struggle, experimentation, and sometimes even tears.
**If I do a job in 30 minutes, it's because I spent 20 years learning how to do it in 30 minutes. You pay me for the years, not the minutes.**
**Credit to the owner.**
The engine of a huge ship broke down and no one could repair it. So they called in a mechanical engineer with over 30 years of experience.
He carefully inspected the engine, from top to bottom. After examining everything, the engineer opened his bag and took out a small hammer.
He gently tapped a specific spot. Very quickly, the engine started up again. The ship was repaired!
A week later, the engineer sent a bill for $20,000 to the ship's owner.
"What?!" exclaimed the owner. "You've barely done anything! Give us a detailed bill."
The engineer simply replied:
- Hammer blow: $2
- Knowing where to strike and how hard: $19,998
The importance of recognizing expertise and experience... because they are the fruit of struggle, experimentation, and sometimes even tears.
**If I do a job in 30 minutes, it's because I spent 20 years learning how to do it in 30 minutes. You pay me for the years, not the minutes.**
**Credit to the owner.**