DragonsBy Nightcafe AI
@ElrickErikose claimed this NFT👀! We transferred the NFT to you and auto accepted it. Check the NFT details on nftz.me/nft/cc209201f8bdad6323d50d0b6ea0f28bc6123d65fd620401920d3c0dd6181eda
Repair NFT claiming ability from June 1 back.There was an error processing your NFT claim.
Elrick, UC13 testing is proceeding here next.
By Nightcafe AI
@ElrickErikose claimed this NFT👀!
We transferred the NFT to you and auto accepted it.
Check the NFT details on nftz.me/nft/cc209201f8bdad6323d50d0b6ea0f28bc6123d65fd620401920d3c0dd6181eda
Repair NFT claiming ability from June 1 back.
There was an error processing your NFT claim.
Elrick, UC13 testing is proceeding here next.