Totally a trip down memory lane today, as Gigi Bowman joins the show and we discuss why we love Thomas Massie so much. You get an inside look into where we were 20 (?!) years ago, and how far we really have come. Plus, a meditation you don't want to miss, right in the beginning of the show. Also, please consider the parasite cleanse from The Wellness Company—head to and use code Beanz for up to $60 off plus free shipping!

RFK on Food and Me...

Totally a trip down memory lane today, as Gigi Bowman joins the show and we discuss why we love Thomas Massie so much. You get an inside look into where we were 20 (?!) years ago, and how far we really have come. Plus, a meditation you don't want to miss, right in the beginning of the show. Also, please consider the parasite cleanse from The Wellness Company—head to and use code Beanz for up to $60 off plus free shipping!

RFK on Food and Mental Health:

The Meditation you didn't know you needed:

More photos from Swap_I_Chou