Meanwhile, while DESO is down at 4$, I am getting these daily payments 

Bitcoin Pizza in reverse. Keep accumulating.

@SharkGang from @metaphilosopher 
@NodeBitsDAO from @NodeRunner and Team

And of course many Monthly Payments and Regular NFT Royalties from the likes of @Gatucu @FedeDM @CivilEngineer @Johan_Holmber @Penwyn @Pixelangelo and many others. I am sure I've missed a few more in the list. 

Also seen:

@TangyShroom from @TangledBrush918 
@SelfieCats from @nathanwells

Meanwhile, while DESO is down at 4$, I am getting these daily payments

Bitcoin Pizza in reverse. Keep accumulating.

@SharkGang from @metaphilosopher
@NodeBitsDAO from @NodeRunner and Team

And of course many Monthly Payments and Regular NFT Royalties from the likes of @Gatucu @FedeDM @CivilEngineer @Johan_Holmber @Penwyn @Pixelangelo and many others. I am sure I've missed a few more in the list.

Also seen:

@TangyShroom from @TangledBrush918
@SelfieCats from @nathanwells

More photos from Randhir