πŸ“° TODAY'S BITS: The $50 million DeSo fund announces a hackathon, Floyd Mayweather joins Diamond. Probably nothing.
"πŸ“Έ Two celebs one day: Both @floydmayweather and @souljaboy claimed their accounts on Diamondapp after being onboarded by the DeSo trio @HighKey , and immediately got to work spreading the gospel: https://bit.ly/3ohaAUt 

Highkey is lowkey carrying the platform on their back rn and we love them for it. πŸ«‚"

READ MORE: bit.ly/301ha9a

πŸ“° TODAY'S BITS: The $50 million DeSo fund announces a hackathon, Floyd Mayweather joins Diamond. Probably nothing.
"πŸ“Έ Two celebs one day: Both @floydmayweather and @souljaboy claimed their accounts on Diamondapp after being onboarded by the DeSo trio @HighKey , and immediately got to work spreading the gospel: bit.ly/3ohaAUt

Highkey is lowkey carrying the platform on their back rn and we love them for it. πŸ«‚"

READ MORE: bit.ly/301ha9a

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