CC staking rewards dec 2023

Dear coin-holders,

These are the rewards for dec 2023.
It was a great year, thank you all for being here and supporting one and other! 
It seems to be a promising year, 2024. I'm glad to be a part of all that's going on with Deso  and Focus.

top 10
@Randhir @SharkGang @Bhagyasri @ReihanRei @Gatucu @BKPOWER8 @MayumiJapan @GaikeNFTcreations @JustinVesting @That70sRobot

CC staking rewards dec 2023

Dear coin-holders,

These are the rewards for dec 2023.
It was a great year, thank you all for being here and supporting one and other!
It seems to be a promising year, 2024. I'm glad to be a part of all that's going on with Deso and Focus.

top 10
@Randhir @SharkGang @Bhagyasri @ReihanRei @Gatucu @BKPOWER8 @MayumiJapan @GaikeNFTcreations @JustinVesting @That70sRobot

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