Why did we select 20% as the number for our OpenFund referral rewards campaign? The project deeply supports the American constitution, and the universal declaration of human rights. Whereas the value of each human is recognized. And in accordance with UDHR article 27 : 1, your scientific contribution is rightfully accounted for. When the elect defeated rising evil, in the darkest hours, revived was an old way of being. This way of being reflecting the principalities of he who was sent. Many of t...

Why did we select 20% as the number for our OpenFund referral rewards campaign? The project deeply supports the American constitution, and the universal declaration of human rights. Whereas the value of each human is recognized. And in accordance with UDHR article 27 : 1, your scientific contribution is rightfully accounted for. When the elect defeated rising evil, in the darkest hours, revived was an old way of being. This way of being reflecting the principalities of he who was sent. Many of the issues of today were solved in 1945-1948, but politicians decide to disgrace our forebearers, and the anguished fallen, instead of honoring the works of our forebearers. We choose to remember, not just on a given day of the year, but every day. Through our actions, we live in observance to the constitution, and the #UDHR.

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