Clean Notifications
On a mission to clean notifications from all the spam, mass-tagging, unwanted coin and nft transfers.
Coming soon to
@avrce @Randhir @HaveFun @MrTung @edokoevoet @Dury @Ugottaloveit @nikolaiii @Allie12 @dawidwnukowski @NewFutureIdeas @jodybossert @Angelique511 @fisnikee @SlaterHoldings @Rhynelf @Jcrypto711 @FllwThRvr @Homey @ryleesnet @NFTLegacy @tobiasschmid @Sami_L @salva21 @AltumBase @Jianda @BKPOWER8 @GaikeNFTcreations @HappyRabbit @ThisDayInMusicHistory @OKOKOKOOl @Pixelangelo @ElizabethTubbs @SeWiJuGA @DeNurse @AMurloc @Clark_Renfort @mcmarsh @RomeTrader @iodacasamia @TeamGM @DesoDailyChronicles @DiamondThumb @tkskkd @AbundantLawrie @pablocieslik @ThaBiGGDoGG @striga @Pickleballb @rbrtthemgcn @Magusz @RealMcoin @MANRIKPHOTO @ArnoudvanderPlas @Triangle_Traders @TechnoPlatypus11 @Feeleer @Plazmeg @Numismatic @HakAndAi @AngieLuthien @PhotographersCorner @Dredider @undertangoclub @UniversalMuslimWelSociety @WRiga @emptyset @Philo_desophy @dDESO @PickleballCoin @Boracay @Sajan @Heyi_Sherm @Gatucu
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a delicate subject, i personally prefer to put up with the ocassional mass tag and scam comments then excluding everybody from reaching out 2 the community in more or less desirable ways , but thats just me, freedom fighter style !!
i'd love to chat about solution here:
might fit with your Karma scoring.
Hey, what did i do?? I don't think i ever mass tagged anyone!!
This seems a good idea. It would be great to be able to turn off just from some users (the spammers).
Clean Notifications
On a mission to clean notifications from all the spam, mass-tagging, unwanted coin and nft transfers.
Coming soon to
@avrce @Randhir @HaveFun @MrTung @edokoevoet @Dury @Ugottaloveit @nikolaiii @Allie12 @dawidwnukowski @NewFutureIdeas @jodybossert @Angelique511 @fisnikee @SlaterHoldings @Rhynelf @Jcrypto711 @FllwThRvr @Homey @ryleesnet @NFTLegacy @tobiasschmid @Sami_L @salva21 @AltumBase @Jianda @BKPOWER8 @GaikeNFTcreations @HappyRabbit @ThisDayInMusicHistory @OKOKOKOOl @Pixelangelo @ElizabethTubbs @SeWiJuGA @DeNurse @AMurloc @Clark_Renfort @mcmarsh @RomeTrader @iodacasamia @TeamGM @DesoDailyChronicles @DiamondThumb @tkskkd @AbundantLawrie @pablocieslik @ThaBiGGDoGG @striga @Pickleballb @rbrtthemgcn @Magusz @RealMcoin @MANRIKPHOTO @ArnoudvanderPlas @Triangle_Traders @TechnoPlatypus11 @Feeleer @Plazmeg @Numismatic @HakAndAi @AngieLuthien @PhotographersCorner @Dredider @undertangoclub @UniversalMuslimWelSociety @WRiga @emptyset @Philo_desophy @dDESO @PickleballCoin @Boracay @Sajan @Heyi_Sherm @Gatucu
Join the discussion at
a delicate subject, i personally prefer to put up with the ocassional mass tag and scam comments then excluding everybody from reaching out 2 the community in more or less desirable ways , but thats just me, freedom fighter style !!
i'd love to chat about solution here:
might fit with your Karma scoring.
Hey, what did i do?? I don't think i ever mass tagged anyone!!
This seems a good idea. It would be great to be able to turn off just from some users (the spammers).