Out of curiosity, I decided to check out Focus, I got sent two invitations. Well, I got this far (see images). This has already been mentioned to those who are part of the core team.

Their first response was, that maybe AVG isn't a big vendor. Lol. Clueless response to be honest.

AVG is huge and has been around forever. I've been using them since their free anti-virus product became available in Australia in the late 1990s. They began offering their services in 1991. So, to dismiss them as maybe not a big vendor? lol.

The solution, apparently, is to disable my anti-virus. That's an even worse response than their AVG comment.

Right. I'm not going to disable my anti-virus for a product and team that has proven time and time again, they can't be trusted. Do I think they have our best interests as a community at heart? Hell no. That's been firmly established multiple times.

I have done these work-around type solutions to access other sites, because I trusted them, or even gave them the benefit of the doubt. For new apps that were in beta, or development stage. It was always temporary and they fixed the issue.

Focus has been in build and private beta, for how long? Delay after delay. This shouldn't be an issue at this stage.

If they think that anyone from the mainstream, or anyone within crypto that knows about Bitclout/DeSo, and the reputation it holds.. is going to even consider signing up when these issues pop up. They're dreaming.

But Mario awfulis here ad he s all as yo know!

The it way to be ere is wit eyes open and credibility suspended

Be safe my friend


I find posts like this quite interesting. In one sense informative while quite damming. Your experience is your experience and its valid. I have joined various platforms in the past if they don't provide me with a good service or if I feel the team are untrustworthy or dishonest I just leave. I'm not suggesting that's what you do because expressing your misgivings is a valid contribution that needs considering. I just find it strange with all the other available options people would still want to use this platform when they obviously detest the founder and feel the platform itself is terrible. If I'm misreading your comments my apologies I'm just a little confused when I see such damming feedback like this while participating on the said platform being maligned. It's an interesting dynamic and I'm sure it's more common than I think.


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