We've recently released our new website
We'd like to hear your thoughts on whether we should also have a Spanish version of the site
If you are a 10 $IDGRS token holder, please cast your vote👇 snapshot.org/#/ideagoras.mirror.xyz/proposal/0x2d972030d71f56c1283bd9a2d32b29534f15c1c204fc02b85407078b543b3b03 @SnapshotLabs
We've recently released our new website
We'd like to hear your thoughts on whether we should also have a Spanish version of the site
If you are a 10 $IDGRS token holder, please cast your vote
👇 snapshot.org/#/ideagoras.mirror.xyz/proposal/0x2d972030d71f56c1283bd9a2d32b29534f15c1c204fc02b85407078b543b3b03 @SnapshotLabs