Well that escalated quickly
Congrats to all $WHALEDSHARK CC holders...
I believe that we are the very first Creator Coin to "eat" through the AMM and we have reached Valhalla.
The AMM structure chosen was stock vanilla and it was not an altered "just to be first" curve.
I assume that now without an AMM to feed buys:
1, The price of $WHALEDSHARK is now dictated by my community on free floating buy-sell orders.
2, The AMM will always retain the value that it has collected and provides a safety net for those willing to sell at those floor prices.
3, We are no longer artificial flavoring.
Enjoy the freedom from the AMM and I hope all of you make the most of experimenting with a new first.

We have built quite a lot in last few years and months. We thought it was time for a features page and bring it all together.
It will show you what we have and what you can unlock with $NFTzToken and verification levels. All is clickable and will show you more info or Use links to start using it. It's just a start, but might help you find your way.
Idea is that it informs you and helps you at the same time. We will be adding some videos and more help documentation.
We also have this $NFTzToken brochure linked https://bitcloutweb.azureedge.net/public/nftztoken/NFTzToken%20Brochure.pdf
@Randhir @thesarcasm @Valtran2049 if you close your top bids the AMM should kick back on @WhaleDShark and I can buy some tokens 😂

Wow. That's big. I want it. But there's no more tokens for good prices 😂
"The Vari4t1ons" Season One, #001 Cybernetic Kitsune
"The Vari4t1ons" (Variations) is a series of 41 custom made 1/1 profile pictures made by WhaleDShark with AI and other design tools based off of his avatar, CloneX #4941.
CloneX #4941 is one of the rarest Clones in the collaborative avatar series developed by RTFKT, Nike and Takashi Murakami. As the owner of the commercial rights of Clone #4941, WhaleDShark has utilized a variety of AI tools to reimagine, redesign and reinvigorate this derivative 1/1 profile picture.
All 41 Vari4t1ons are completely unique in both character and background while retaining the essence of the original avatar.
An unlockable file of the Vari4t1on is attached which provides the NFT owner with access to a background-less PNG file for further creation.
Vari4t1ons are not for sale by the Creator, but given to $WHALEDSHARK holders who have staked more than 50 $WHALEDSHARK for one year. Vari4t1ons will be developed and issued on a bi-weekly basis.
Eligible $WHALEDSHARK holders are only entitled to one NFT from each season and recipients will be selected via lucky draw mechanics during each issuance period.
Vari4t1ons NFT holders will also receive a share of 5% of $DESO staking rewards from @NFTz that are dropped on the daily.
Transfers of Vari4t1ons NFTs to a third-party without open market bidding will result in a forfeiture of the above rewards.
Vari4t1on NFT holders will enjoy full commercial rights of the design AS IS and tolerance will be provided as long as extrapolation/ iterations on the design of the NFT does not infract on the original Clone #4941 design.

Went to sleep just for a quick nap............lol favourite coin just became un buyable........
Thanks Whale, that's one hell of a god candle.Still not selling
I see something similar with DeSo Focus and openfund, that I saw when Bitcoin began. Tons join and try and use it and give up. You know how many people tried to mine Bitcoin and gave up? Started downloading a node and couldn't set it up? It 100% slowed adoption and had major price impacts. Then difficulty and transition from CPU to GPU caused a huge shift and even furthered the learning curve and increased entry level.
Now comparing to DeSo, we are seeing the same thing with Focus and openfund, it's basically social media and dex on steroids. Like GPU mining compared to CPU. And that is causing a curve. It is natural and you should buy the fucking dip in other words.
Another thing DeSo has that Bitcoin had, was market detachment. This day and age with all the saturation compared to how it was only stocks commodity and currency markets, that's more important now that it has ever been to be able to detach from the markets. It's one of deso's largest positive investment indicators also. 😉
It's probably going to $10k actually. Realistically, it has that easily if Focus was even just as popular as Bluesky (which I think it will be much more popular than Facebook even). But it's also going to be more popular than Coinbase with openfund so there's a new paradigm that adds even more value.
Just look at Bitcoin lifetime chart against DeSo. You'll see what I see.
At least for the next few days it's up to $WHALEDSHARK holders to determine how this market runs.
I have a few ideas including a couple that are mathematical and some that are community governance oriented.
In the meanwhile, like @AniMEisLiFE has said, I will be sitting on my couch watching anime for the rest of the day.
Enjoy free reign of the house kiddos and don't break any windows please ❤️
We have built quite a lot in last few years and months. We thought it was time for a features page and bring it all together.
It will show you what we have and what you can unlock with $NFTzToken and verification levels. All is clickable and will show you more info or Use links to start using it. It's just a start, but might help you find your way.
Idea is that it informs you and helps you at the same time. We will be adding some videos and more help documentation.
We also have this $NFTzToken brochure linked https://bitcloutweb.azureedge.net/public/nftztoken/NFTzToken%20Brochure.pdf
We have built quite a lot in last few years and months. We thought it was time for a features page and bring it all together.
It will show you what we have and what you can unlock with $NFTzToken and verification levels. All is clickable and will show you more info or Use links to start using it. It's just a start, but might help you find your way.
Idea is that it informs you and helps you at the same time. We will be adding some videos and more help documentation.
We also have this $NFTzToken brochure linked https://bitcloutweb.azureedge.net/public/nftztoken/NFTzToken%20Brochure.pdf