Probably some form of share of trading fees on both ends would rectify this issue.
I made a previous post way back talking about how there is a role for Whales in Focus to anchor down competent and legitimate Creator Coins via launch day buys and locks.
There is also a role of Whales in Focus to anchor down liquidity on the buy and sell order charts post AMM.
Without paired staking like you see on Uniswap, there is little to no incentive for two-way liquidity on Focus.
Core devs should probably look at allowing some form of staking for order book participants... particularly on the buy side as it is tied up capital for nothing other than the token health at the moment.
Lot of work happening right now on two of the things that will have the most impact on retention and engagement which are real-time trading (and AMM improvements) + better feed experience.
It's a huge amount of work, so will take some time, but it will make the whole app experience feel very complete end-to-end.
Just like PFPs could not build a digital ecosystem, meme coins could not build sustainable community.
Core Competencies and Nature of the Beast.
When the person sitting next to you wants to rug your dumbass to bankruptcy court, how can any form of community possibly even grow?
Un-ruggable tokens are created by Un-ruggable creators.
Maybe it's time to shift weight on the narrative of Focus to something more responsible and sustainable.
While the core team spent over two years building out a more sophisticated meme coin market environment, 90% drop in the meme coin market participation is more than just a dip, it's the start of the obsolescence of an entire class of digital assets.
Focus launched as the meme coin segment took their initial steps towards obscurity and timing is everything if you want to play flavor-of-the-month.
I wouldn't double down on something that is already in it's death throes.
It took a collapse of PFPs for people to realize that the real value was in Digital Art.
It will take the ongoing inevitable collapse of the meme coins to realize that the real value is in Creator Coins.
Flavor of the month will always just be that, 5 minutes of fame.
Fundamentals for Fucks sake (FFFs)
Meme coins are dead.
Let's move on to better and more sustainable things.
Incentivization means everything in Decentralization.
Game Theory, the study of participants' strategic interactions within the context of mathematical models, allows one to determine the best forms of incentivization or punishment to draw out the most desired behavior.
The issue with incentivization is that it often gets mixed up with "free".
I made a previous post way back talking about how there is a role for Whales in Focus to anchor down competent and legitimate Creator Coins via launch day buys and locks.
There is also a role of Whales in Focus to anchor down liquidity on the buy and sell order charts post AMM.
Without paired staking like you see on Uniswap, there is little to no incentive for two-way liquidity on Focus.
Core devs should probably look at allowing some form of staking for order book participants... particularly on the buy side as it is tied up capital for nothing other than the token health at the moment.
Order book be tighter than a fat man in size S leotards.
Appreciate my two largest token holders @thesarcasm and @Amurloc for strategically placing the order books ❤️
People might be wondering...
What is the point in building all these market structures at such low price levels when DESO is relatively dormant at this point in time?
Coming in from USDC and USDT, it actually allows me to build a highly discounted scalable structure for when DESO blows up.
Assuming a relative price increase between $DESO, $FOCUS and my Creator Coin, a market buy order today of $5,455 might very well be a market buy order of > $20,000 in the case of a 4x or >$50,000 in the case of a 10x.
This will not only be able to accommodate fortunate $WHALEDSHARK holders who hold my CC today who will experience relative market growth, but even more importantly so, be able to accommodate newcomers who come in later without that early mover advantage.
Now is the best time to build.