@nader @mossified any update on the Focus airdrop for the early alpha testers ?
I know there are more pressing matters. Maybe just get it out of the way so it doesn’t continue coming up and being a distraction?
Lot of work happening right now on two of the things that will have the most impact on retention and engagement which are real-time trading (and AMM improvements) + better feed experience.
It's a huge amount of work, so will take some time, but it will make the whole app experience feel very complete end-to-end.
For those that might have missed my reply to @JordanLintz yesterday as quote reposts don't get as much love as posts by the Focus algo:
When you analyze token pricing via fully diluted market capital versus current other-token utility, there is no reason why $DESO should not be within the top 30 or top 20 of tokens in the broader market cap ranking.
At #30, an estimated $5 billion market capital, the current $DESO price should be ~$500.
At #20, an estimated $7.5 billion market capital puts $DESO at around $750.
It's a simple, fun and relevant analysis to do and I've previously used this accurately to do well with Uniswap, IMX, Cronos and other tokens.
The analysis also takes into account speculative value as outside the top 2 leaders (BTC and ETH) that have proven utility and staying power, everything else is smoke, mirrors and hopium.
The unique thing about $DESO is that it would be the only traditional industry disrupting purpose-built L1 to break the Top 30. Everything else is largely general purpose or blockchain/ crypto specific.
The two biggest areas where the most engagement happens is the feed & trading experience which are being refined now.
- Better trading experience (real-time, faster AMMs, tons of bug fixes, etc)
- Better feed builder and customization, and introducing the feed store.
Ultimately this will have a huge impact on engagement and retention as this is where most users spend their time. It's a lot of complex infrastructure work though, so please be patient with us! Team is working super hard on it.
If you have cool NFTs you should share them!
Just a reminder your profile zone can be shared easily and your NFTs too. Just look for the share icon in the top below the profile icon.
Your profile zone can also be shared as a URL (username).nftz.me Like:
- https://sharkgang.nftz.me from @SharkGang
- directly to a (@WhaleDShark ) 3D space https://whaledshark.nftz.me/3d
- owned NFTs(@Gatucu ) https://gatucu.nftz.me/owns
- direct @CreativeG gallery link https://creativeg.nftz.me/g/Jen2
If you want your main page to change just set a featured or 3D gallery. Or leave empty to go to created. Or make a custom 3D page by adding a 3dspace names gallery. Set your gallery here https://nftz.me/manage/galleries
Read all about our features here https://nftz.me/pages/features
There is a lot to discover!
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One day, some would wish they kept their $DeSo at 8 USD….

Happy St. Patty's Day from @BeerBuds ! 🍀🍻

💎Earn staking rewards by holding @WhaleDShark's (WhaleDShark Vari4t1ons Season One plan) NFTs off the market!
- @bkat 0.1096 DESO
- @Valtran2049 0.1096 DESO
🙏Congrats and thanks to all holders!
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💎Earn staking rewards by holding @WhaleDShark's (WhaleDripShark Season One plan) NFTs off the market!
- @Gatucu 0.0438 DESO
- @Nordian 0.0438 DESO
- @RyMac 0.0438 DESO
- @carry2web 0.0438 DESO
- @NadersMom 0.0438 DESO
- @Randhir 0.0438 DESO
- @mvanhalen 0.0438 DESO
- @Xing2025 0.0438 DESO
- @JamesBarrett 0.0438 DESO
- @DeSocialWorld 0.0438 DESO
🙏Congrats and thanks to all holders!
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💎Earn staking rewards by holding @WhaleDShark's (WhaleDShark Loyalty Season One plan) NFTs off the market!
- @LuisEddie 0.3287 DESO
- @100 0.2465 DESO
- @thesarcasm 0.1644 DESO
- @zane_ 0.1644 DESO
- @Gatucu 0.0822 DESO
- @AMurloc 0.0822 DESO
- @Seelz 0.0822 DESO
- @imoliver 0.0822 DESO
- @NadersMom 0.0822 DESO
🙏Congrats and thanks to all holders!
Want to reward your NFT holders too? Start using nftz.me now.