PenWyn: A Collaborative Art Project
Embrace Co-Creation & Community | Join us, unleash your imagination, and shape the future of PenWyn.
Become an Inhabitant | Hold at least 0.25 $PWCC (Creator Coin)
Participate in voting & community initiatives | Co-create (optional)
Launched May 4th, 2023
penwyn.nftz.zone |
penwyn.nftz.me/3d/space | Insta: @penwyndeso
A Collaborative Project | Seeded by @studio_richards | Nurtured by the Inhabitants
Inhabitants of a 'Créché of Penguins' :
@studio_richards ; @pixelangelo ; @striga ; @Gatucu ; (@Miniyo) ; @necline ; @Jhayppy ; (@Mher) ; (@Gainer95) ; (@CivilEngineer)
Inhabitants of a 'Huddle of Penguins' :
@sharkgang ; @desocialworld ; @ats_us_nai ; (@MICEHEADS) ; @mobitoro ; @Panini ; (@ShadyAcres) ; (@That70sRobot) ; @NFTLegacy ; @Desomon
Inhabitants of the Parcel of Penguins
@CreativeG ; @Petra_The_Bi_Polar_Bear ;
@Ugottaloveit ; @JamesBarrett ; (@Johan_Holmberg) ; @ReihanRei ; @SeWiJuGA ; @ArnoudvanderPlas ; @a_bloke ; @BKPOWER8
Inhabitants of the Waddle of Penguins
(@InsurgentFrog) ; (@Seelz) ; @Sweetlakecity; @TangledBrush918 , @metaphilosopher , @MrPerson177 , @OuwePiet , @Randhir , @exotica_s , @shadeflowers
Phase 5, Inhabitants of the Raft of Penguins
@elSjon ; (@mdmahmudulhasan) ; @CyberOwl ; @Cranues ; @EtherChad ; @debevic ; @carry2web ...
New Year Banner Courtesy of @OuwePiet 🥰🐧