
There is a time and a place for new accounts and there is a time and a place for building new projects on your accounts.

I see a lot of people spinning off Project/Tokens and then just vanishing from DESO for months on end or those just dumping their CCv1 and switching over to CCv2 without saying anything to their CCv1 investors.

This is very disrespectful and dishonest and I avoid touching projects of such people and also their tokens even with a barge-pole.

For me, maintaining even one account has been an effort and that's why I try and keep the # of my active accounts/projects to a minimum. The benefit of course is most of my CCv1 holders have been with me from 2021 and have only kept adding to their positions.

Having said that, I do have a few project accounts where I have tried to keep separate from my account for specific reasons and also tried to do some fund-raising for it and when things didn't work out returned most of the funds remaining to Investors:

  1. @desoscams - The intent was to avoid getting linked to and then have scammers harass me for calling them out. @nathanwells joined in the efforts once we launched @desoguard and then @MyDesoSpace and while we are in pause mode to see how Focus scales up, we should get back to building it once things stabilize.
  2. @CreaTiers - A 6-12 month effort where we looked to build the Fiverr/Upwork of DESO between August 21 and March 22 and then paused it initially due to the Octane 2nd promised tranche getting paused and then pulled and us running out of funds from our other investors.
  3. $Ribbitz - The latest effort from Scott and I where again he's doing the bulk of the heavy-lifting and I am just helping him in terms of strategy and tokenomics.


Besides these two, most of my other projects/accounts (@IndianBitclout, @desosanalytics @Verifier etc.) are for specific purposes and I've not opened up the FR on most of them or even created CCv2 to avoid any commitment to investors that I have to live by since they didn't reach a stage where it was serious enough to raise funds.

Anything further I do will be on @Randhir account ONLY unless there are other people involved and/or community contributions play a major role in the project in which case I might consider launching a token to tokenize the project. Even if I work with Artists/Devs in the future for any project, I will try and reward them with my main token or one of the Project Tokens (e.g. $Ribbitz) instead of launching a new token that people expect returns from. All my Focus will therefore will be on growing the 2-3 Tokens that I commit to including of course my own CCv2.


i feel your pain here.. good article.

it highlights the needs for a fundamental change in Society

a stable rug-free Society. all stored onChain


I would love to hear your thoughts, @Randhir


The True Consensus of Liberty
Proposal for a Trustless Society
edited: March 10th 2025

1. Introduction: A Call to Renewal

As society grapples with inequities and outdated systems, we stand at a crossroads reminiscent of the revolutionary anger of our forefathers. No longer shall we live in the shadows of corruption and tyranny. It is time to embrace a better path founded upon immutable truth and the collective wisdom of the people—a new epoch we call The True Consensus of Liberty.

2. Of Immutable Truth: Blockchain as the Pillar of Liberty

Unlike the fragile records of old, blockchain preserves every deed, every transaction, in an eternal archive. Once inscribed, truth becomes sacrosanct—an infallible testament to accountability and transparency, unblemished by the distortions of power. Blockchain stands as our modern parchment, securing our personal liberty with permanence.

3. Of the Wisdom of Human Consensus: The Voice of the People

Through open discourse and vigorous debate, the wisdom of the people is honed, ensuring that every decision is shaped by shared values and diverse insights. This is the power of human consensus—a fortification against despotism, where each voice has one vote can contribute to a consensus that confirms wisdom without trusting a central authority. Trust is always a point of failure; a Trustless Society means no trust required!

4. Of the Gears of Justice: Enforcing Contracts and Reversing Fraud

This blockchain hybrid stores all data and contracts with a built-in dispute resolution protocols—each member is an impartial arbiter that can approve the reversal of fraudulent transactions and enforce agreements with the precision of true data. This hybrid is required so that justice can be safeguarded with human consensus. Only found on the DeSo Blockchain.

5. Of Embracing New Ideas: The Path to Evolved Governance

Today, we possess both the empathy and the technological means to forge a society that is transparent, inclusive and just. The union of blockchain’s permanence with the ever-changing wisdom of human consensus provides a blueprint for this evolved governance—a system that discards the shadowy hierarchies of the past. The “Checks and Balances” is built into the chained data.

6. Conclusion: A Vision for a Transparent and Just Future

To reject this opportunity of self-rule is to invite the corruption to use these technologies against us. To embrace it is to secure a future where every decision forever echoes that liberty. Everywhere the people dare choose it. In the spirit of our revolutionary ancestors, we now stand poised to reshape our destiny with The True Consensus of Liberty.
