The alerts were distracting, sales pitches you know,
Averting my attention, to the spam saying "no;"
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But an unknown VC, and eight Angels dear,
A term sheet proposed, I read the deal quick.
I thought in a moment, 'this must be a trick.'
To you all, we exclaim, while we help you start right,
MediaTech Ventures says “good luck,” your idea is alright!
Enjoy... 'Twas the Night of a Startup:
Posted from @entre
Just had a quick play around, looks great team!
I'm trying to test the group functionality but need to know who has enabled their account for messaging yet.
Please reply here if you've already gone to and setup and want to be added to the test group.
Keep going
@petern @mossified
Also, if you put your computer to sleep and then wake up, you get a ton of network error messages.
And then also got this one time after using other tabs for a while:

@petern @mossified
Would love:
Exit Group option (urgent)
Maybe something where I'm "Invited" to join a group and can accept or decline.
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Just had a quick play around, looks great team!
I'm trying to test the group functionality but need to know who has enabled their account for messaging yet.
Please reply here if you've already gone to and setup and want to be added to the test group.
Keep going
@petern @mossified
Also, if you put your computer to sleep and then wake up, you get a ton of network error messages.
And then also got this one time after using other tabs for a while:

@petern @mossified
Would love:
Exit Group option (urgent)
Maybe something where I'm "Invited" to join a group and can accept or decline.
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