Haven't checked in... I want to hear from the community - How was the launch of $FOCUS?
Started writing an open letter with my initial thoughts on $FOCUS. Do you care what I have to say?
Thanks so much for the kind words from you and @gaby. I will ALWAYS love what this place stands for - enabling personal ownership of data through keys and empowering innovation through public data. This vision is genius.
There were many challenges with the OG product. Maybe I burned too hard, too fast. I went all in for Deso and didn't have much to show for it, except a lot of celebrities and their teams feeling like I sold them a fake pipedream they lost money on.
I knew the risk being so outspoken about such an innovative product -- continued ⬇️
Things got heated up quickly wow!
I'd like tho to say a word in Jake's defense. Unlike other whales who only invested in celebrities Jake invested in community members and was actively supporting projects. People extracted a lot of money out of him via scams. He lost a lot so I understand his feeling burned out by the whole Bitclout experience.
Can we try and avoid toxic reaction to OGs coming back. There's gonna be all kinds of lack of knowledge of what has been built here since Bitclout. The tech will speak for itself and DeSo price will speak for itself.
"given how despised Deso is by the crypto community"
cmon man... this statement couldn't be more misguided...
despised like ETH was despised by the entire bitcoin community for several years and to this day? on its way to $100 billion market cap...
despised like XRP was despised by every other crypto community on earth as it marched to be the second highest valued crypto on earth at 10s of billions?
despised like ADA as it marched to the top 10?
despised like countless other hated cryptos that generated ungodly market valuations?
gimme a break bro.
and then the "5 minutes since post... No interaction... Long way to go folks!" statement... holy shit... the level of narcissism is unreal here.
the fact that one little dogshit rally in the token brings you back for a mic check says it all. you'll be here all day when DESO is $150 again... as will everybody else.
Hmm... What it would take to get me back here?
A product that is so undeniable it dusts off the Deso backlash... and attracts the mainstream.
Maybe the sports bet one @nader talked about? Idk. I need to look into the products more.
It's going to be an uphill battle given how despised Deso is by the crypto community.
But never underestimate the power of a small group of dedicated believers - Christianity started with 12 of them ;)
@WhaleDShark can you reel this OG back into the @deso pond? 😉💎💎💎
@whalesharketh is my hero.
who's here?
@whalesharketh is my hero.
"There's still a chance that Bitclout in one... two... three years... could be something big." -@adamceresko
🚨 My telegram has been hacked 🚨
He predicted FTX 242 days ago.
What happened?
I LOVE creator coins because I am a marketer, enjoy money, and find the system interesting, innovative, and fun.
HOWEVER, the majority of people in the world have no interest in having a price next to their name. PERIOD!
Plus, it's way too complicated.
And overall, for the record, I was one of the few who made money on them :)
Hey @jakeudell, I think you dislike Creator Coins because you lost money on them. I get it, thats a valid reason to dislike something.
Lets say there are at least 2k people who think the Creator Coins game is awesome and should exist, thats like 10% of Bitclout's highest DAU.
There are more people like us out there, crazy people who think its fun to speculate with prices near usernames, we don't need the whole world to like it, imagine this place with 2 million players, thats enough to generate infinite crazy stories and the most interesting place on the internet.
Most people don't know DeSo exist. Most people are not ready to invest or trade people and projects. The idea is to far ahead for normies. Give it time. They will catch up eventually.