Last track on the album: Redneck in Disguise
The remaining 5 tracks can be found on my timeline ❤️
Really enjoyed putting this together.
AI will change everything.
For those of you wondering about the songs I released last night, I was using Suno dot com where @imoliver is an absolutely beast ❤️
The process was quite simple, prompt driven, and then refinement on the lyrics and tunes to get what I wanted.
A lot of the "work" was curation though... listening to sometimes over 30 iterations to just get one thing I enjoyed that was worth sharing with all of you.
Wanted to release a 6 song "album" but it was already 530 in the morning 😂
A Little Bit of Nothing
A 5 song album collab between AI and myself in my favorite genre of music.
Enjoy ❤️
Just a quick recap on the hold-to-drip programs that i'm currently running here as I've had both existing and future $WHALEDSHARK holders ask me to how to participate.
As a Creator Coin (CC) creator, my main focus is on my long term community which are token holders that lock their coins for 1 year and more.
1, All $WHALEDSHARK stakers:
10% APY on locked tokens no matter how much you have locked.
2, Minimum 50 $WHALEDSHARK staked:
Entry "ticket" for weekly/ bi-weekly Vari4t1ons giveaway that shares a daily 0.27 $DESO giveaway
3, Minimum 100$ WHALEDSHARK staked but less than 500:
WhaleDripShark NFT that shares a daily 0.547 $DESO giveaway
4, 500 $WHALEDSHARK staked and above:
Loyalty NFT that shares a daily 1.64 $DESO giveaway
All eligible $WHALEDSHARK staked holders are eligible for #1 and #2, however #3 and #4 are mutually exclusive.
If you find yourself moving from 100 coins staked to 500, please let me know and i'll exchange your NFT for you.
Hope that makes everything clear! ❤️
As I missed one entrant for yesterday's giveaway, I'm making it up to the community by designing and releasing another Vari4t1on tomorrow ❤️
Giveaway is for all eligible $WHALEDSHARK holders who have locked more than 50 $WHALEDSHARK in their accounts.
Currently Vari4t1on holders are receiving upwards of 0.09 $DESO per day just by holding $WHALEDSHARK in addition to 10% annual staking rewards.
People surprised I enjoy country music but here I am with two trucks, a dog and five fishing rods...
My redneck life wondering what didn't give it away 😂
Counter Culture is a superficial outlet for angsty teens until it actually means something.
While I recently I used to drop in on Shitter once every two to three days, I'm going to stop.
The brain rot I experience via the curated-by-one-man-algo is not worth the effort.
Morning Focus Fam ❤️🤠🏇
Testing audio...